tell em what they wanna hear YOU'RE A VICTIM

1 year ago

andy warhol "musician"
in case you dunno that i know how bad this is
it's you w/out the self-awareness
satan has gotta infiltrate, that's all he knows how to do
your language: hashtags
you're important to God and no one else
they deserve to hate themselves
you never know what i'm gonna do/say/eat on stage
i'll ruin it for ya...spinach
repugnant (obviously) like that word
sodomy...that's different to them
it's not different when everyone is sayin/doin it, engaging in the same behavior
why do i have to say this
the man in my head is pretty smart
women don't have what i have
men are controlled by sex
these sound like feminist talking points but i promise they're not, it's more of a warning
this whole world is feminized
how could you learn from a mistake if you either dunno about it or you convince yourself that it wasn't a mistake
pansie bitches that dunno how to deal with anything (pills/tv)
i have the tendancy to go off
schizo privilege

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