Did not know this

1 year ago

I grabbed this little excerpt because he explains something I did not know about the WHO pandemic treaty. There are 4 differnt versions, Mr Najadi says are designed to confuse the diplomats. I think this is very important information. I encourage everyone to join his channel. Neutralswiss. I hope his legal endeavors are successful. He comes from a powerful family and has connections. It makes me a little sick it takes someone from a powerful family being vax injured to get anything done in the realm of justice but hey whatever gets the job done. I wish him luck he is going to need it both for his health and for legal success. This is definitely a case of where we go one we go all. I pray his legal efforts succeed I am trying to stay hopeful and I relaze he does not understand what it is to be from down here where the regular people live their lives any more than I understand what it is to be born in a family where your uncle was the president of your country and you get to be a rich powerful banker. I do mention at the beginning that he should lay off dismissing people as conspiracy theorists. People who did not take the shots used to be conspiracy theorists for saying the shots would harm people and now he is vax injured. Everyone can learn something from someone else, no one has the market cornered on truth or full understanding. We are all pieces of this puzzle we have to help eachother solve it not put eachother down to elevate ourselves. I kind of feel like this man is hiding his pain at being vax injured. This is understandable and forgivable. I wish he had listened to someone he thought was a conspiracy theorist about not taking these damn death shots. I guess I am sensitive for this because I have been stomped flat so many times for sounding the alarm when I was damn well right and people are paying for not listening with their lives. It's hard to hear someone say how others should act or live, like not being depressed, when they took the shots and you know people who took those shots looked down on people who did not at the time before they found out the trut hthe hard way. I have compassion for them. I have taken so much shit for being right about the shots being dangerous, hearing people talk down on people like they are conspiracy theorists especially if the person saying that took the shots just rings a bell with an ugly note in my head. We will have to come op with some new "conspiracy theories" ALL THE OLD ONES CAME TRUE! And Pascal Najadi, there are people out there who took the shots and are not sick yet who would call you a conspiracy theorist for your views too. We all have to help and inform eachother. No one is above anyone else even if born into powerful families.

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