Divorcee Sam Seder had a hissy fit over Dave Rubin & Scott Adams telling the truth

1 year ago

Sam Seder had a hissy fit over Dave Rubin & Scott Adams telling the truth about young black men in cities run by Democrats




https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoA9J0G6s-6pat3gSUBf3nm1FOVF3z3Rg My playlist that covers everything above & then some, it will flummox the fatherless #blacklivesmatter terrorists. It even includes data regarding where felons who commit a crime w/ a firearm, get their firearm (and a lot more data). Too lengthy to cover here.

Mark Dice’s video on Scott Adams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6klhrni7fYg

According to the FBI, the U.S. murder/non-negligent manslaughter rate 2016-2019 = 5.2 per 100,000.

The murder/non-negligent manslaughter rate 2020-21 = 6.8 per 100,000 – a staggering increase.

Keep in mind, the FBI usually adjusts the previous year total when the current report comes out.

Now, let us look at the NIBRS data & find out what % of murder victims & offenders (where we KNOW the race of the victim or perp) were Black 2016-19. That was 23,688 offenders & (13,385) 56.5% of them were Black. That is very disproportionate!

If a Progressive lunch meat slicer takes issue w/ that, I will point out that 23,688 is a pretty good sample size of all murder offenders. Deal w/ it and/or get an education at a parochial school, so you can learn something aside from autistically-reciting your pronouns.

From 2016-19 of the 21,695 victims where we KNOW the race of the victim, (11,193) 51.59% of the victims were Black. That is also very disproportionate!

From 2020-21, the NIBRS data gives us 23,034 murder offenders where we KNOW the race of the offender. Of those 23,034 offenders, (13,707) 59.5% of them were Black. That is also very disproportionate!!

From 2020-2021, the NIBRS data gives us 24,584 victims of murder & of those 24,584 victims, (14,382) 58.5% were Black.

The murder rate (per 100,000) was much, much higher in the latter (2020-2021) time frame than the former (2016-2019) & the % of murder victims that were Black & offenders that were Black increased substantially as well.

It appears that despite the whining of carnival barkers like the divorcee Stan Seder, #blacklivesmatter accomplished what they wanted to accomplish. They created more chaos, they pined for fragmented families because they hate nuclear families & they used millions of idiots as pawns in their game.

CHOP/CHAZ, as well as the riots in various cities a few years ago was no accident. It was orchestrated on purpose in an attempt to intimidate America into giving them what they want or else. In the meantime, young black men continued to murder other young black men (primarlily in cities run into the ground by the Party of FDR) & the rate of those assaults massively increased.

The result was a bigger pile of dead bodies. So yes, the massive increase in America’s murder rate over the last few years can be laid at the feet of #blacklivesmatter Progressive prosecutors & provocateurs like Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer & “Fredo” Chris Cuomo, among others.

They will be safe in their ivory towers, as will I in 95%+ white, rural Iowa – but in chess, the pawns always go first.

From 2016-2019, the % of murder offenders (where the race of the offender is KNOWN) that were less than thirty years old was (13,535 of 23,276) 58.15%. That is sad.

From 2016-2019, the % of murder victims (where the race of the victim is KNOWN) that were less than thirty years old was (9,919 of 21,920) 45.25%.

From 2020-2021, the % of murder offenders (where the race of the offender is KNOWN) that were less than thirty years old was (13,217 of 22,655) 58.34%.

From 2020-2021, the % of murder victims (where the race of the offender is KNOWN) that were less than thirty years old was (11,512 of 24,878) 46.27%.

Those increases weren’t as massive in the latter (2020-21) time frame relative to the former (2016-2019), but the percentages are always staggering. Young black men removing young black men from the gene pool remains a massive problem in these United States as the homicide rate continues skyward.

Progressive Democrats & the voting blocs they pander to are very violent https://rumble.com/vcohr5-on-the-progressive-mean-republicans-so-vote-democrat-argument.html https://web.archive.org/web/20170619121651/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Dm7yVTbJo4

Some more uncomfortable facts for the Divorcee Sam Seder

Now, let’s estimate a Black on Black & White on White homicide rate for 2004-18 using the data in my essay. I will give you the numbers until 2020 though.

Estimate “Black” population 2004-2020 = 37,343,675 * 38,015,046 * 38,686,418 * 39,357,788 * 40,029,160 * 40,700,531 * 41,371,902 * 41,676,132 * 41,980,362 * 42,284,593 * 42,588,823 * 42,893,053 * 43,197,283 * 43,501,513 * 43,805,744 * 44,109,974 * 44,414,204

Estimate “White Only, Not Hispanic or Latino” population 2004-2020 = 195,458,685 * 195,685,163 * 195,911,640 * 196,138,119 * 196,364,596 * 196,591,074 * 196,817,552 * 197,055,899 * 197,294,245 * 197,532,592 * 197,770,938 * 198,009,285 * 198,247,631 * 198,485,977 * 198,724,324 * 198,962,671 * 199,201,017

That gives us a Black-on-Black homicide rate of (2004-2018, single victim, single offender per 100,000) of 7.455, 7.849, 7.842, 7.381, 6.8, 6.397, 5.943, 5.871, 5.745, 5.309, 5.177, 5.548, 5.949, 6.038, 5.935 en masse total = 6.349 black on black homicides per 100,000 per year. Whoops!

Now let us run the numbers for whitey: That gives us a White-on-White homicide rate of (2004-2018, single victim, single offender per 100,000) of 1.597, 1.609, 1.544, 1.487, 1.546, 1.507, 1.410, 1.334, 1.324, 1.270, 1.258, 1.299, 1.439, 1.441, 1.347 en masse total = 1.427 White on White homicides per 100,000 per year. Whoops!

White Supremacy must be causing blacks to kill other blacks at a rate 4.449 times higher than Whites kill Whites. I would wager Asians barely register in homicide statistics, which is probably due to the fact that they usually have 2 parents in the home that don’t use meth, finished school & don’t let their kids run wild all over the streets after they did not finish their homework. They also didn’t tell their kids from infancy that they’re going to fail because of White Supremacy, they told them to keep their legs closed until they’re married, finish school, do your homework, stay off drugs & be a good citizen. Amazing how White Supremacy in America has been very good to Asian men, who earn many times more than the average Black person in America. Gee, I wonder why?

Let’s calculate the rate in which Blacks kill Whites (2004-2018, single victim, single offender homicides per 100,000), shall we? When I calculate this, I am using the race of the offender in this, not the victim, as Whites are such a higher % of the population. We’ll see if Blacks kill Whites at a higher or lower rate than Whites kill Blacks: 1.397, 1.357, 1.481, 1.438, 1.259, 1.115, 1.080, 1.074, 1.026, 0.967, 1.047, 1.165, 1.233, 1.324, 1.173 en masse total = 1.209 Black on White homicides per 100,000 per year. Blacks murder Whites at almost the same rate that Whites murder Whites.

Let us calculate the rate in which Whites kill Blacks (2004-2018, single victim, single offender homicides per 100,000): 0.116, 0.117, 0.106, 0.124, 0.117, 0.106, 0.110, 0.097, 0.097, 0.095, 0.094, 0.115, 0.122, 0.133, 0.117 en masse total = 0.111 White on Black homicides per 100,000 per year. White Supremacy is causing Black to kill Whites at a much higher rate than Whites kill Blacks. Again, it is also causing Asians to succeed in America, all while not butchering each other & gunning each other down in the hood.

http://freewebs.com/professor_enigma/covid-increase-homicides Sem Seder & his supporters will not take this challenge: Pick a state, any state & find one where the whitest, most pro-Trump counties (you have to use at least a 3-year block & you have to show your work, OUCH!) have a murder rate HIGHER than the state average, HIGHER than the national average & HIGHER than the most pro-Biden/pro-Hillary counties. I use 60% as my baseline as to whether a county is very “pro” one party or the other. I usually cover a few election cycles around the 3-year block of data to solidify my point & may look at who they elect to State House Districts to buttress my position.

If your list of pro-Trump counties is 0.4% of the state’s population, I will not be impressed, so for once in your life Stan Seder, do some original research that is not sloppy. Good luck!

Second challenge: Find me as many Democrat-dominated counties (60% or more of the vote for Biden & Hillary) that have 50,000 or more people that are Black plurality or majority that have murder rates LOWER than the national average.

#blacklivesmatter accomplished what it wanted in the wake of the George Floyd incident. They are using millions of pawns who have been hoodwinked by the soft bigotry of low expectations as pawns in their game to create chaos in society, trying to intimidate the police & the populace into giving them what they want or they’ll riot.

America, you have been warned!

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