On the Progressive “Mean Republicans, so vote Democrat” argument

4 years ago

The background material, much of it from my piece debunking Bernie Sanders http://www.freewebs.com/professor_enigma/bernie-sanders (all links in order)

James Pearce


Kathy Griffin

https://money.cnn.com/2017/05/31/media/cnn-kathy-griffin/index.html https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/sorry-says-comedian-after-seeing-reaction-trump-beheading

BuzzFeed & their mentally-ill employees


Cedric Richmond engages in Freudian Projection


Envirokook activist likes having sexual intercourse w/ unwilling partners


Eddie Griffin


Hillary Clinton, our children are watching your supporters


George Ciccariello wants a white genocide


CNN producer jokes about Donald Trump’s plane crashing


Julie Bindel goes berserk, needs medication




Hillary Clinton says rape victims have the right to believed. Uh-oh!


Thomas Friedman hopes Grover Norquist dies


Loring Wirbel, co-chairman of the Colorado Springs, Colo., chapter of the ACLU


D. Watkins wants all gun owners to be shot before owning firearms


Mad Dog PAC wants to “take out” Steve Scalise



Barry Bluestone says he wouldn’t mind seeing Donald Trump dead


Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse compares Kathleen Hartnett White to a horse


Sally Kohn unhinged


Texas St. Univ. white death article


Ed Murray, former Democrat Mayor of Seattle


Kenneth Storey


Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal



Chanelle Helm, Black Lives Matter leader from Louisville, Kentucky



A professor at Southern State Community College is under investigation after someone reported his June 13th Facebook post which called for a mass shooting at the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, Va.

James Pearce, the Southern State Community College professor in question, took to Facebook in June after the shooting at the Pulse night club with this call to action: “Look, there’s only one solution. A bunch of us anti-gun types are going to have to arm ourselves, storm the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, VA, and make sure there are no survivors,” Pearce wrote. “This action might also require coordinated hits at remote sites, like Washington lobbyists. Then and only then will we see some legislative action on assault weapons. Have a nice day.”

Kris Cross, Director of Public Relations for Southern State Community College, claimed that the college’s protocol indicates that local authorities would likely be notified about Pearce’s threat.

Violent rhetoric by an anti-2nd Amendment nutjob? Uh-oh! So, the next time there’s violence against a Donald Trump (who I did not vote for) supporter, we can blame Democrats & the mentally-ill James Pearce, right?


What about Kathy Griffin & her ill-fated attempt (and to be truthful, Kathy only does this because she can’t discuss issues. If I debated her on Social Security reform, she would fail miserably—especially if she was forced to use words with 3 or more syllables. She’s Bill Maher & only looks slightly better sans makeup) to be funny by posing with a severed head that looked like Donald Trump. Uh-oh! Can we fundraise off Kathy Griffin now? Can we jail Kathy Griffin if there’s violence against any Republican pol, registered Republican or Republican talking head?

I wonder if Kathy Griffin will blame herself for any & all violence against Republicans because… she blamed Sarah Palin for the Jared Loughner/Gabrielle Giffords shooting in Arizona. Whoops! Here’s an archived version of Kathy’s now-deleted tweet. Kathy Griffin, next time you apologize for shoving your feet in your mouth & your head in your colon, please put on makeup. YIKES! You are one ugly woman! Kathy even went so far as to delete her apology tweet, but not before the interwebs could save it for eternity. Vote Republican, because Kathy Griffin?
What if Rush Limbaugh had joked about Barack Obama being assassinated?

BuzzFeed, the outlet behind the infamous and absurd “Golden Showers” dossier, has more than a bit of disdain for President Donald Trump — as proven through these leaked conversations from their private workplace chat.

In screenshots exclusively provided to Big League Politics by former BuzzFeed employee Tim “Treadstone” Gionet, better known as Baked Alaska, the website’s Director of Social Media Maycie Thornton wishes for Trump’s assassination as co-workers laughed and cheered her on. “Maybe someone will assassinate him,” said Thornton…

UPDATE: Shortly after this report was published, all three BuzzFeed employees implicated in the leak set their Twitter accounts to private.

Ok, after you read the entire article yourself—is saying (tongue & cheek) “I hope someone assassinates President X” ever a “throwaway comment”? The last time I heard that was from some bald-headed Socialist named Russell Glasser. He was right in the middle of a rant that even he didn’t know where it was going & yammered briefly about how Republicans are shafting themselves not supporting higher estate taxes.

When I debunked his estate tax garbage, he whined that it was a “throwaway comment.” Your entire life is a throwaway comment little fella. So, I guess you can say whatever you want, no matter how retarded, so long as it’s a “throwaway comment.” Good to know!


What if Michael Savage saw a picture of a prominent female Democrat kneeling & suddenly started making jokes about oral sex (or a double-entendre)?

For years, Democrats have claimed that successful women in politics have been barred by sexism from rising up to the highest echelons of power. They’ve claimed that women all over America are victims of secret misogyny, the casual slain in the war on women.

And yet when it comes to Trump senior advisor Kellyanne Conway, the sexist claws come out from the left. The latest example: at the Presa Foundation Dinner on Wednesday night, Representative Cedric Richmond (D-LA) apparently dropped an oral sex joke about Conway thanks to her now-infamous sin of kneeling on a couch in the Oval Office to take a picture of President Trump with heads of historically black colleges. According to IJ Review’s Benny Johnson, here was the joke:

“This is an exact quote from congressman @CedricRichmond: ‘Y'all seen that photo of Kellyanne on couch? She looks familiar in that position.’”

Richmond has now tucked his tail between his legs & apologized. I don’t really care, it doesn’t change anything, but I file stuff like this away just in case some Democrat (like the fake doctor McCainisthroughX aka #McStupidX or Old Fart Rants & his brown teeth) tries to paint a political opponent as “misogynist” & uses that as an entire campaign platform.

Ted Kennedy drove off a bridge drunk & committed manslaughter—Vote Republican?


Here’s another example of guilt-by-association. Does this mean the envirokook movement is null-and-void?

Environmentalists protesting the Trans-Pecos pipeline in West Texas are standing by their leader who was arrested last week on various charges in California, including having sex with a minor in 2002. He was convicted of forcible rape in 1984 and was a registered sex offender in California before assuming a false identity and moving to Texas. Washington Free Beacon:

“Protestors were shocked this week when Pedro Rabago Gutierrez, who went by Pete Hefflin while leading protests at the site of the Trans-Pecos Pipeline in West Texas, was arrested and had his criminal history and true identity exposed. Gutierrez had not been seen since he was released on parole from California in 2002 after a long series of serious crimes. He was first imprisoned in 1984 on charges of forcible rape and drug possession with an intent to sell, according to the Houston Chronicle. Gutierrez was released in 1990 but failed to stay out of legal trouble, according to the report. He was reimprisoned numerous times for parole violations and then convicted in 1998 for having sex with a minor. California authorities lost track of him after his 2002 parole.”

So-called renewable energy is a taxpayer-funded crock (excluding hydroelectric, I believe it should & can survive sans subsidies), but now it’s really a crock because we caught this envirokook felon. Vote Republican!

Shall we keep going? Have I stalemated Senile Sanders yet?


If Rush Limbaugh called for a John F. Kennedy style assassination of Barack Obama, Democrats would have autistic fits—Rush Limbaugh would be the face of the Republican Party, every Republican would have to publicly-renounce him & he would never be able to be seen in public again.

Comedian Eddie Griffin encouraged audience members to assassinate President Trump during a standup comedy routine in Dallas, Texas on Friday, but Facebook doesn’t want you to know that.

Ben Ferguson, a radio show host who attended the show at the American Airlines Center, told The Federalist that Griffin made references to late President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, saying: “Ya’ll took out one president, you need to take out another.”

“Ya’ll need to put Trump into a convertible and take him out, or better yet, the driver should take him out,” he continued.

Ferguson streamed portions of the show via Facebook Live, but the social network removed the video containing Griffin’s remarks within 24 hours. When Ferguson attempted to access his Facebook account on his phone the next morning, he had been signed out. When he logged back into his account on his desktop, there was a notice from Facebook that the video violated their community standards.

Ferguson believes Facebook’s decision to remove the video, which had at least 100,000 views, is censorship. “It’s protecting the Left when they’re doing something extreme,” he said.

Eddie Griffin, a man who got hit not with the ugly stick, but with the ugly sequoia—made that statement. He’s the face of the Democrat Party. ARRRGH! This is what happens when one cannot debate issues.

I should also mention that the 1st Amendment says, “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech…” Not Facebook, not YouTube, but Congress. If Facebook wants to block all Republicans or all Libertarians, they can. That might not be a good idea, but it’s not censorship.

It’s not your dang website, so quit whining! Go start your own Facebook & post whatever you want & block whatever you want. It’s akin to insisting that I’d have to let some fat Democrat into my house to filibuster for hours, forcing me to listen to his nonsense.

No, I don’t have to do that & he wouldn’t even get in the door. Moving on…


Hillary Clinton reminded America that our kids are watching Donald Trump & he’s too toxic for them. Here’s a rebuttal to that featuring Hillary Clinton supporters going bonkers. Remember, our kids are watching. If Rush Limbaugh said anything half-that-bad (and I have no problem with them saying it, but sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander) the Progressives would be having an autistic fit.

One could probably do an hour video on Madonna alone, flapping her pie hole. Hey Madonna, “F**k you” is not an argument. “We’re going to prosecute you for an opinion” is not an argument. Setting cars on fire, throwing a fit, busting windows…. Is not an argument. Film at 11.


Hey Bernie Sanders, can you fundraise off this?

A professor who made an alarming statement on social media that “All I want for Christmas is white genocide” now is blaming everyone, except himself, for the criticism that erupted from the apparent inducement to violence.

The statement came from Drexel University’s George Ciccariello-Maher and came to the public through Twitter, on Christmas Eve… [NOTE: He said all he wanted for Christmas is white genocide]

The College Fix reported there were a number of reactions, including that from Drexel officials who said they were seeking a meeting with Ciccariello-Maher because, while the professor certainly has the right “to freely express their thoughts and opinions in public debate,” his comments probably went over the line.

They are, the college said, “utterly reprehensible, deeply disturbing, and do not in any way reflect the values of the university.”

Noted Thomas Lifson in a column at American Thinker, “The university now is on the spot. Will it allow the professor to continue teaching after expressing a desire to murder his Caucasian students? Is that a forgivable offense? What about safe spaces for the Caucasians on campus?”

Wait a minute, was the professor’s response. It was all satire, he told the Drexel student newspaper.

This human dung hill then went on to blame everyone but himself & even equated the response to his tweet as racist & even misogynist. Who knew the mentally-ill were teaching classes at Drexel University?


What if Rush Limbaugh joked about Obama’s plane crashing? I assume the fake doctor McCainisthroughx & Old Fart Rants & the brown spots all over his bottom row of teeth would upload 43 videos over how mean Rush Limbaugh is & how he needs to be off the radio.

Well, a few employees at CNN did joke about Donald Trump’s plane crashing. Vote Republican! LOL! Ted Kennedy drove off a bridge & committed manslaughter. Vote Republican! Gerry Studds was a pedophile, Vote Republican! Don’t debate issues, don’t debate the national debt, find an ethical lapse in your opponent, which instantaneously qualifies you for whatever office you’re running for.


If Rush Limbaugh said, "All Feminists are child rapists & should be shot" what would happen? Well, an incredibly ugly woman by the name of Julie Bindel (kind of looks like a man though bro) said that all men are rapists, should be put in prison & then shot. Ok Julie, I'm a man, come over to my home (notice, this is contingent upon you coming to my home & on my property) & mete out that punishment. We'll see how that works out for you old man. Here are archived screencaps of her hateful rant. She may need a dose or three of Risperdal.

If someone says, “She was trolling you”—ok, what if a Republican said the same thing about a Democrat POTUS being assassinated? Ergo, the “she was trolling you” response doesn’t work. Julie Bindel looks like a man, a mentally-ill man.


Speaking of rapists, Bill Clinton's wife Hillary Clinton recently scrubbed a sentence from her website that read (pertaining to rape victims): "you have the right to be believed." Whoops! This isn't the first time Hillary Clinton has believed someone (the other case was a supposed hate crime that turned out to be bogus) & it turned out to be false.

The paragraph above proves nothing, but it is funny. I would’ve loved to have been a fly-on-the-wall when the Clinton campaign realized that others were going to drag Bill into that. Hilarious!


What if Rush Limbaugh had said, "Am I a bad person if I hope John Podesta slips in the bathtub, calls 911 & nobody answers?" He didn't, but the New York Times' Thomas Friedman did say that about Grover Norquist. If Rush said that, YouTube’s bi-polar nutcase Jackass Glenn would probably talk about it for a week.


What if Rush Limbaugh had said, "We have to really reach out to those who might consider voting for Hillary Clinton and say, ‘This is (Nazi propaganda minister Joseph) Goebbels. This is the final solution. If you are voting for her, I will have to shoot you before Election Day.'"

Rush did not say that, but ACLU stooge (and if some GOP staffer had said this it would still be a big deal to the antique media so the "Rush is a big fish & this guy is a small fish" argument will not work) Loring Wirbel did. Will YouTube Janitor McCainisthroughX aka McStupidX upload 47 videos on this as she would if Rush said something she thought was racist?


What if Rush Limbaugh suggested that everyone who is for homosexual rights had to engage in homosexual anal sex? You might be asking, "Why on earth are you talking about that oddball stuff"? Well, some clown from Coppin State Univ. (D. Watkins) suggested that before you are allowed to own a gun, you have to take a bullet. And how exactly would that stop the black-on-black murders that happen regularly in the hood? How would that have prevented Dylann Roof from going on his rampage?


Uh-oh, remember when Sarah Palin (and if Rush Limbaugh did the same thing, there would be heck to pay) was blamed for the Jared Loughner shooting. Well…

A [Progressive] group is raising money to put up a billboard to “take out” Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), who survived being shot while practicing at a baseball field in Alexandria last June. The homepage of Mad Dog PAC’s website has a photo of the proposed billboard with a link asking site-goers for donations…

n June 14, 2017, Scalise and several other Republican congressmen were practicing for the upcoming annual congressional baseball game at a field in Alexandria, Virginia, when a gunman opened fire on the members and shot Scalise in the hip. Before opening fire, the shooter asked for the baseball players’ party identification, and identified with far-left politicians and causes. For weeks after the shooting, Scalise’s recovery was uncertain.

Mad Dog PAC chairman Claude Taylor told The Ledger that his group was planning to “toss mortars” at the other side.

“People know that President Trump is a crook, and we’re going to do something about it,” Taylor said. “We are tossing mortars at the other side. We’re not offering policy prescriptions. We’re attack dogs; that’s what we’re here for.”

In 2011, The New York Times editorial board falsely claimed Sarah Palin had caused a shooting at a campaign event for Democratic Rep. Gabby Giffords after Palin’s PAC posted a picture of several Democratic representatives’ districts inside gun sights. Although it was never proven that shooter had ever seen the map, pundits bashed Palin about it, as Mollie Hemingway noted last summer:

Hey, that’s all good & fine, but let’s see fewer bi-polar fits from Democrats when Republicans (or Libertarians) use the same language. The autistics at Mad Dog have altered the photo of Scalise now, just featuring the billboard & have removed the “Take Out Scalise.” Whoops!


Uh-oh, if Rush Limbaugh had casually said “I wouldn’t mind seeing [insert name of Democrat here] dead” Old Fart Rants & the Janitor McCainisthroughX aka #mcstupidx would upload 33 videos on it.

It would be the greatest reason to Vote Democrat ever. However….

At a public event on “The Rule of Law in a Time of Polarization,” a Northeastern University professor told the audience that he “wouldn’t mind” seeing President Trump “dead.”

The event was part of Northeastern’s 2018 Myra Kraft Open Classroom series, which explores “the definition of the Rule of Law, what it requires, what happens in its absence, and how it has declined and emerged globally,” as well as how it functions in times of “polarization and technological upheaval.”

"Would I kill him? No. And I normally abhor violence in all forms."

The event description notes that the term “Rule of Law” can have different meanings to different people, but asserts that “at its core it involves all members of a political community being subject to the same (well defined) laws and standards and an independent judiciary.”

Barry Bluestone, a professor of political economy at Northeastern’s School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs who served as the school’s founding dean from 2006 to 2012, participated in the January 31 installment of the series, which focused on “Challenges Posed by Economic Inequality & Stagnation” and also featured progressive journalist Robert Kuttner.

On Monday, Northeastern’s School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs posted a video of the two-hour event to its YouTube page, near the end of which Bluestone shared his fantasy of seeing Donald Trump leave the presidency, either through impeachment or death.

“This president that we have is really out of control…sometimes I want to just see him impeached,” Bluestone remarked. “Other times, quite honestly—I hope there are no FBI agents here—I wouldn’t mind seeing him dead. But, actually I don’t wa…”

Kuttner, seated to his left, quickly interjected, supplying the qualifier, “...of natural causes.”


What if Rush Limbaugh compared an Obama nominee to a horse? Well, Democrats would demand he be “fired” from his own show. Well…

Rude Sen. [Sheldon Whitehouse] compares CEQ nominee Kathleen Hartnett White to a ‘horse’ during committee confirmation vote. Sen. Barrasso responded by calling the comment of horse’s ass Sen. Whitehouse, ‘disturbing, demeaning, and dehumanizing.’


Is Sally Kohn a man? More important than Sally Kohn’s manliness, is he a racist & sexist? Ben Shapiro thinks so & I concur. What if Rush Limbaugh said, “I have a list of wonderful white male candidates for political office”? (lol)


Texas St. University student newspaper column calls for white death because it will be liberating. Vote Republican, because a mentally-ill person called for white death. Derp!


If this guy’s name was Milo or Rush Limbaugh, we might have a story on our hands.

Now that a fifth allegation of sexual abuse has been leveled against the gay "married" mayor of Seattle, Ed Murray, the beleagured Democrat and prominent LGBT leader announced his resignation, effective today. Murray announced earlier this year, as sexual abuse claims mounted, that he would not seek reelection but would serve out his term.


What if Rush Limbaugh said—after Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey, “I dont believe in instant karma but this kinda feels like it for New Jersey. Hopefully this will help them realize the Dumocrats don’t care about them.”

Well, Rush Limbaugh didn’t say that, but Kenneth Storey (visiting assistant professor at the Univ. of Tampa & also teaches at Hillsborough Community College) did & he used Hurricane Irma as the example of karma on Texas—which votes overwhelmingly Republican. Whoops!

Just keep that in the queue for a raging Democrat who uses mean Republicans, Libertarians, whomever as a reason to vote Democrat. Bill Clinton is a rapist, vote Republican! Compelling argument, eh?


Uh-oh, if Rush Limbaugh or any Republican pol anywhere had hoped for Oboingo’s assassination, Old Fart Rants & his brown teeth would upload 23 videos on it—taking the moral high ground against such insidious characters.

A Democratic state senator in Missouri on Thursday hoped for President Donald Trump's assassination in a Facebook post that was later deleted — and she rebuked calls to quit by saying that "there's no way in hell that I'm resigning."

State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, 42, responded to a Facebook poster's comment on possibly being visited by the Secret Service by saying: "No I will. I hope Trump is assassinated."

Her comments, coming on the heels of President Trump's remarks on the Charlottesville violence, were reported by KMOX-AM in St. Louis.

Chappelle-Nadal was first elected to the Senate in 2010 after serving six years in the Missouri House. Her Facebook statement were saved and posted on Twitter by the station's Mark Reardon:


If Rush Limbaugh said something like:

“OK, backing up No. 8, if any black person at your work, or as you enter in spaces and you overhear a black person praising the actions from yesterday, first, get a pic. Get their name and more info. Hell, find out where they work — Get Them Fired. But certainly address them, and, if you need to, you got hands: use them.”

Ok, if Rush Limbaugh did pen something like that, it would be in English, not ghetto or ebonics, but you get the picture. However, a mentally-ill Chanelle Helm did, bad English included, read it for yourself folks.

She was obviously educated in a decaying inner-city public school, due to her horrible grammar. I am no English major, but this makes me feel sorry for the fat feller. Looking at all of Chanelle’s demands, if the white family is minus the father figure & has bastard children sitting around playing video games all day doing nothing—do they still have to will their property to a black or brown family? Just wondering.

Anyone wanting to accuse “white America” of violence & racism, I have plenty of examples to stalemate you & now we can debate a real issue—Social Security reform. Good luck!

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