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Drag Queen Baby Raves?!!

2 years ago

This is NOT okay!
We must unify and take action to stop our kids from being exposed to this.
These people need serious medical help and so do the parents who are cheering them on while their kids are being groomed.

Protect Children's Innocence - Sign the Petition:

The baby raves not only normalize the world of drag for children — a transvestism lifestyle commonly seen in adult entertainment — but it’s also warming them up to the world of raves.

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Tennessee governor signs laws banning drag queen shows and ‘gender transitions’ for children:


  • 0/2000
  • Sick sick sick.

  • What the F is wrong with these people?

  • 🤢🤮🤮🤬

    1 like
  • everyone knows the ones showing up without children are there to prey on the kids. it's beyond sick. God help those babies since they lack decent parenting!!

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