"Defy Authority or Become Like Nazi Germany" Warns Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav: Del Bigtree Interview

1 year ago

Free Film: “Never Again Is Now Global” — Monday, January 30 at 7PM ET explains that the five-part documentary is by Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav, founder and president of The Alliance For Human Research Protection. The site says: “The last generation of Holocaust survivors and their children express their concerns about current events.”

In Holocaust Survivor: I Saved my Own Life by being “Oppositional Defiant” – Americans are not Rebelling Against Things that are Wrong!, Vera issues an urgent warning about COVID policies. She says we are at a Crossroads in History now and people must speak up or the world will become like Nazi Germany.

In Vera Sharav Holocaust Survivor: America is at a Crossroads – Defy Authority or Become Like Nazi Germany,

Vera explains that eugenics was exported from the United States to Nazi Germany and later got its name changed to “Population Control”. The attack on the elderly in nursing homes now is part of eugenics. Vera explains the Nazis also “wanted to get rid of people they called ‘worthless eaters’”.

Vera explains that most people go along without question because totalitarian regimes — whether in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, or Communist China — use constant fear of the “enemy” to control people. Today, we are told we are fighting an “invisible enemy”. Vera says it’s very dangerous to just follow orders — that’s what happened in Germany. Vera says independent thinking and defiance of harmful policies is needed now because many adults are not rebelling against COVID policies that are destroying lives and society. Surveillance is another component of totalitarian regimes. Vaccine Passports are part of surveillance.

When Vera was asked if it’s offensive to compare what happened under the Nazis to what’s happening today, she said,

What’s offensive is what’s happening in America today. That the Nazis were savages, we know.…History has told that story, but here no one is held accountable at all. In fact, Governor Cuomo gave the nursing homes total immunity. It’s unheard of that this should happen today in 2020.

See Nazism, COVID-19 and the destruction of modern medicine: A Conversation with Vera Sharav and Part 2.

In Episode 304: NEVER AGAIN, Del Bigtree, host of The Highwire, interviewed Sharav on January 26.

Del sits down in the studio with Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor, Medical Freedom activist and founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection. Vera was born in Romania during World War II.

A child survivor of the Holocaust which claimed her father’s life, she has used her personal tragedy to fuel her lifelong campaign to protect the human rights of research subjects in clinical trials.

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