SIRIUS DOCUMENTARY (2014) - THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH. If we as a humanity want to collapse the entire paradigm as it is, and change the whole world, we all HAVE to know what we’re up against to begin with

1 year ago

JP Morgan to Nikola Tesla, when Tesla needed more funding to complete his global Free Energy network, leading to JPM shutting Tesla down, and ending the dream of free energy for the world: "If we can't put a meter on it, we're not interested." ~JPMorgan -- Now we are living in a time where a clean and free energy system is finally coming into view.
On January 17, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower gave the nation a dire warning about what he described as a threat to democratic government. He called it the military-industrial complex, a formidable corporate union of defense contractors and the corporate armed forces.
Eisenhower, a retired five-star Army general, the man who led the allies on D-Day, made the remarks in his farewell speech from the White House.
As NPR's Tom Bowman tells Morning Edition co-host Renee Montagne, Eisenhower used the speech to warn about "the immense military establishment" that had joined with "a large arms industry."
Here's an excerpt:
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist."
Since then, the phrase has become a rallying cry for opponents of military expansion.
Eisenhower gave the address after completing two terms in office; it was just days before the new president, John F. Kennedy, would be sworn in.
In the Sirius documentary, an elaborate light is shone on the workings and the effect of the workings of the current globalist human system, on our world and on our lives. A criminal parasitic system, led and fueled by the globalist crime syndicate U.S.of A. CORP., and their military industrial complex, that has subverted, almost the entire world now, to the PRIVATE Rothschild & cronies counterfeit debts based & debts creating IMF-World bank fiat currency ponzi schemes. The same CORPORATE globalist crime syndicate that has stolen the works of Nikola Tesla, immediately after his death, and that keeps the planet from harvesting and utilizing the free and unlimited Energy Source, that surround and fuels all life on the planet, every day, while keeping us their paying slaves, to their unnatural utilities networks. The same globalist crime syndicate that commits every crime, thinkable and unthinkable, to fulfill their agenda of full spectrum dominance, and their total world domination of all life on, and all wealth of, the planet. The same globalist crime syndicate that owns and runs all corporate "governments" around the world, and that is now pushing to fulfill their agenda for a corporate globalist system of a dictatorial one world governance, AKA a New World Order (NWO).
But when we humans come together, as one, and stop reacting, and stop following, and we stop taking the globalist baits, but instead, we take the lead, then the corporate lackeys, the puppet "leaders", and their corporate masters must follow. It is Natural and Spiritual Law. It has happened many times before, and if we want a life in freedom, health and well being, then it must happen again.
Sirius is a feature length documentary that follows Dr. Steven Greer – an Emergency Medicine doctor turned UFO/ New Energy researcher – as he struggles to disclose top secret information about classified energy & propulsion techniques. Along the way, Dr. Greer investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal suppression. He accumulates over 100 Government, Military, and Intelligence Community witnesses who testify on record about their first-hand experiences with UFOs and with the cover-up.
In the course of his research Dr. Greer is asked to look at an amazing find: a humanoid specimen, 6 inches long from the Atacama Desert. Not until 2012 was he given permission to take bone samples and DNA from the specimen. At that same time a pre-eminent geneticist, hearing of this find, offered to do DNA testing. He enlisted an MD from the same university, world renowned for his work with skeletal anomalies, to view the x-rays and CT scans. Their expertise along with Dr. Greer’s expansive knowledge of the subject bring more questions than answers. Where did this ‘Atacama Humanoid’ come from? Are there others like it? What does it say about the origin of the human species?
In the course of his research Dr. Greer is asked to look at an amazing find: a humanoid specimen, 6 inches long from the Atacama Desert. Not until 2012 was he given permission to take bone samples and DNA from the specimen. At that same time a pre-eminent geneticist, hearing of this find, offered to do DNA testing. He enlisted an MD from the same university, world renowned for his work with skeletal anomalies, to view the x-rays and CT scans. Their expertise along with Dr. Greer’s expansive knowledge of the subject bring more questions than answers. Where did this ‘Atacama Humanoid’ come from? Are there others like it? What does it say about the origin of the human species?
🎥 Watch: SIRIUS DOCUMENTARY (2014) - THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH. If we as a humanity want to collapse the entire paradigm as it is, and change the whole world, then we ALL HAVE to understand what it is, that we’re up against to begin with
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