Covid 19 and the Demons of Destruction

2 years ago

Covid 19 and the Demons of Destruction:

Covid 19 has been a picture of coming sorrows.
It actually began in a land of heathenism.
The Lord Jesus Christ is hated as never before in church history.
This cannot be seen more clearly than in Revelation 13.

Satan is a master imitator. His ability to deceive such a multitude is in his imitation. The most powerful is this final hour when he imitates the Trinity of God. While many Pentecostal church leaders are embracing the “Jesus Only” deception, Satan must be shouting with glee. His false trinity will be a master stroke. Each of the three will duplicate almost every act in the Bible. The Antichrist will even imitate a death stroke on himself and return with a greater deception. The doctrine of “Jesus Only” is certainly far removed from the Biblical text yet a large company is embracing this farfetched concept. I have never met a “Jesus Only” person whom I could reason with from the Bible. It is pure deception.

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