Get outside, preferably in the sun if possible.

1 year ago

I'm down on a couple of days' vacation and damn enjoying my runs in the morning in the 80° sunshine. Headed home soon and will be back in the cold weather, but that's not going to stop me from going outside, especially when it's sunny. That 1 hour a day of sunshine, as many days in a row as I can get it, is not only healing therapy for the body but also therapy for the soul. Being out in the sun a small amount every day for me has been part of the form to help me change the direction my life was going from obese and dying, to healthy and thriving.

#SunnyDaysHealthyLife #VitaminDFromTheSun #SoakUpSomeVitaminD #OutdoorExerciseAndHealth #RelaxingInTheSun #TakeAHikeOutside #LoveThyNature #ReapTheBenefitsOfTheSun #StayingFitWithFreshAir #GetMovingOutdoors

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