Sent Trucker Buck Off With Many Homestead Gifts & Im Back To Work

9 years ago

I sent Trucker Buck home with some fine off grid homestead treats. He got about 5 dozen farm fresh eggs, a gallon of fresh, pure maple water, a baby chicken, a duck and everything he needs to care for them.

After working with maple syrup all day at the off grid homestead I felt it was fair to send him off with a gallon of fresh cold maple sap straight from the tree.

I wanted to send him off with some maple syrup too but I still need to filter and bottle it first.

Trucker Buck also got an entire bucket full off various eggs from my own off grid chickens. These birds are cafe gree and get only the finest chicken feed in the winter and they free range during the warmer months.

After my friend left I spent the rest of the day cleaning up the homestead. The wind had been brutal and intense. This made a mess of my meadow, tossing things all over the place. Now it is time to clean it up.

It was in the high 60s outside and hot in the tiny house. The sun was shining inside and heated it up to nearly 90 degrees inside.

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