Non-Catholics Cannot Hold Offices in the Catholic Church ~ Catholic Video Lecture

1 year ago

This lecture recorded on 2016, and revised in 2022, teaches the dogma that non-Catholics cannot hold offices in the Catholic Church. Hence a Catholic officeholder who becomes a non-Catholic automatically loses his office. And a non-Catholic who is elected or appointed to an office does not get the office. His election or appointment is invalid, null and void. This applies to all offices and thus also to the papal office. Valid papal acts are part of the Apostolic See and are free from all sin and error. However, invalid papal acts are null and void and thus not part of the Apostolic See. Invalid papal acts must be judged, rejected, and condemned but the pope himself cannot be juridically judged unless he sins. When a pope sins, he must be juridically judged (tried, sentenced, and punished) as a sinner but not as the pope. The fact that a pope goes to confession is one proof that he can be juridically judged by his inferiors when he sins. His confessor and inferior tries, judges, sentences, and punishes him, not as a pope but as a sinner who happens to be the pope. But as long as a pope is acting as the pope and thus as the supreme judge and thus not as a sinner, he cannot be juridically judged by anyone. This is the meaning of the dogma that the First See (the Supreme Judge) cannot be judged by anyone. This lecture also presents evidence of invalid papal acts, popes who have fallen into heresy or idolatry and lost their offices, and popes who have been juridically judged and deposed.

Here is a list of sub-headings of this lecture:

* Summary of Catholic dogmas in this lecture;
* Ordinary Magisterium dogma: Non-Catholics cannot hold offices in the Catholic Church;
* Solemn Magisterium dogma: Non-Catholics cannot hold offices in the Catholic Church;
* Heretics are removed from the diptychs;
* A pope can become an idolater or formal heretic and lose his office;
* On St. Marcellinus; On Liberius; On Anastasius II; On Vigilius; On Honorius;
* Secret formal heretics cannot hold offices;
* Apparent officeholders who are suspect of heresy;
* A pope can be put on trial, judged, and sentenced;
* Some popes and antipopes who were juridically judged.
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