VIDEO - Official Papal Audience - Answering common questions...13 December 2023 AD

10 months ago

Video publication produced and published by the Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile) on the Feast of St. Lucia, Virgin, Martyr, within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception - 13 December, 2023 AD...

Official Papal Audience - Answering common questions...13 December 2023 AD

Official publication of the Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile), about the elevation of the rightful true Pope His Holiness Jacobus I on the Throne of St. Peter, and this by God's work and none other, and the circumstances how His Holiness was properly, validly but still miraculously consecrated Bishop, God as the last resort using the vessels of wrath for that Holy purpose of safeguarding the Apostolic Succession of the Roman Catholic Church, which succession can never be interrupted, and God has never permitted it to be interrupted as that would be a heresy of its own...This official publication of the Holy See is timely and very important as it answers various questions of honest truth-seekers, and also of heretics and communist provocateurs, and puts the latter to silence, as they inquire, for the evil purpose of their diabolical ends, to know how the true vessel of salvation, the Divine Institution Roman Catholic Church continued and how the true Papacy was safeguarded, which without Christ Our Lord and His miraculous work wouldn't be done, nor possible...

The restoration of the Catholic Church is seriously hampered by the diabolically driven evil and heretical influence of the heretics (SSPX, SSPX - MC, SSPV and sedevacantist heretics) and of the Vatican occupying non-Catholic pro-communist APOSTATE Novus Ordo Sect.

- ALL the heretics and sectarian apostates, and therefore enemies of God, are thus excommunicated by the Decree of the Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile)

- and the true requirements for valid admission into the Roman Catholic Church

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