Asbury Revival (USA) What are the five principles that can retain and transmit the Spirit of revival?

2 years ago

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Dear Asbury University students,
the whole Christian world is watching with hope the spiritual awakening that God has given in your university. This awakening is a great hope not only for America. It has affected the spiritual world and its fruits will be manifested both in the renewal of families and in the renewal of society.
Surely you are familiar with David Wilkerson’s warning prophecy about the disaster that threatens America. But you are the hope! God can change even a just punishment, just as He changed it when Nineveh repented. Therefore, the revival at your university is the hope for saving America.
You have had the experience of living, continuous prayer, during which you had a strong sense of God’s presence. You repented of your sins, experienced God’s love and deep peace and happiness in your soul. Wave after wave of the Holy Spirit would come upon you. But gradually you return to ordinary days filled with student duties. In all of this, however, you must not quench the Spirit! Your thirst for God is a great gift of the Holy Spirit. God Himself wants to continue, throughout your life, to fill your soul, and therefore wants to give you a living prayer routine.
You have experienced continuous prayer and God wants you to persevere! But how to do so amid daily duties that are ahead of you? There is a solution.
1) Continuous prayer = hourly prayer watches
Let the active students, each of them, organize 23 students, write down their names, and let each one enrolled choose one hour of the day or night for his prayer watch. The hour from 8 to 9pm is the time when all pray; it is the so-called Holy Hour. In this way, your continuous prayer will continue even in your everyday life, although it will not take place as before in your chapel, but everyone will pray where they are. 23 students will form a 24-hour prayer guard.
2) Holy hour from 8 to 9 pm
At that hour, all are united in prayer, everyone where they are.
During the Holy Hour, it is possible to pray in groups, or our students practiced it by going out of their rooms in the student dormitory and praying together in the corridor. Someone was playing the guitar and the others were singing and praising the Lord. It would be ideal for you if you could gather and spend the Holy Hour in your chapel, where you have experienced the spiritual revival.
3) Seven prayer stops during the day
The next thing that greatly contributes to maintaining the fire of the Holy Spirit is a short prayer stop seven times a day (cf. Ps 119:164) – when getting up, then at 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm and at bedtime. It is about 3-5 minutes of prayer, when you silence your heart in God’s presence. You give your sins to the Lord, calling on His name, Yehoshua, best with your spiritual eyes focused on the five wounds of Jesus. You think of His Blood shed for the forgiveness of your sins.
4) Celebration of Resurrection Day – the keeping of Sunday
Once a week, however, you need to be with God more deeply in prayer. This may be possible through a renewed practice of celebrating Sunday – the day of the Resurrection and the day of the Holy Spirit. In fact, it would mean for you to experience ever anew the revival that you have now experienced, beginning with the Holy Hour on Saturday evening and continuing through the night and then through the whole Sunday, and finishing the prayer after the Holy Hour, that is at 9pm, on Sunday evening.
5) The first Saturday of the month – a day dedicated to repentance
Its content is to spend one Saturday a month, preferably the first Saturday, as a day dedicated to repentance. In your conditions of a student town, you can gather in your student chapel on Saturday morning and spend this day in repentance and prayer until the Holy Hour. After the Holy Hour on Saturday evening, you may continue with the celebration of Resurrection Day like every Sunday until the end of the Holy Hour, i.e. until 9 pm.
This prayer routine is not a result of theoretical considerations; we have been practicing it in our communities for several years. Based on our own experience, we have adapted our program to your conditions and we offer it to you with the desire that the fire of the Spirit that fills you will not be quenched, but will keep burning and spread even further through these living principles.
When David went to fight Goliath, he took five smooth stones and put them in his pouch. God puts you in the same fight. The Goliath is the devil – the enemy of our salvation. Today the five stones to secure your victory are the above-mentioned five spiritual principles.
1) Commit to one hour of a prayer guard and get involved in a continuous prayer.
2) Keep a daily Holy Hour routine, which is the time for a prayer from 8 to 9pm.
3) Keep seven prayer stops during the day: when getting up, at 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm and 9pm and at bedtime. (see
By practicing these three devotions, you give God a tenth of your time during the day – 2.5 hours.
4) Celebration of Resurrection Day – the keeping of Sunday.
5) The first Saturday of the month – a day dedicated to repentance.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

February 24, 2023

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