These Birds from the Danube Delta might not exist anymore because Ukraine wants to destroy the Delta

1 year ago

It is preety clear what happens in the Danube Delta:
Ukraine is building an illegal canal and the top politicians in Romania fake it that they didnt knew. We are so pissed off hearing them. It is clear that those politicians are trying to temporise things and to put them down. As of now they are stalling for time, the Ukranian and the Romanian side in order to not inflate the public opinion in Romania and internationally, for people to find other subjects and by this waste of time to normalise the fact that they indeed built and illegal canal which is actually the case and the truth. They will see things will not normalise, we get more pissed of because of this. The Ukranians dug more than the international conventions which deemed the Canal Illegal anyway but the Ukranians did it anyway 20 years ago. The Romanian authorities, some of them knew that there were large Ukranian ships in the Danube Delta on Chilia and Bistroe, not only maintenence ships but also grain transport ships, big ships which couldnt have crossed the canal without the excavations done all summer. The Ukranians even announced it officially that they expanded the depth from the agreed 3.5 m to 7 or 8 in some parts. And we, everyone wait. Wait for what? They broke an international treaty and are destroying the Danube Delta. News agencies have to be far more agressive not just Romanian news agencies but we ask international crews to go there and see that the depth is indeed 7 or 8 m far above the agreed depts by International Conventions. To begin with, canals couldnt be built in Chilia arm anyway, the only Danube delta arm for ships is Sulina. By international treaties. Ukranians broke those treaties. They have also dug up near a port called Ismail also on Chilia arm, in the Danube in an area also protected where you cant dig. This problem was in the press for only 10 days, but they dug up all summer under the pretense of maintence works, deceiving Romania. All summers ships from Ucraine went up the Bistroe Canal and into the Chilia Canal which shouldnt be a Canal to begin with. It is a canal because the Ukranians made it. Ships went up and down all summer, they even installed watermarks for ships to know where to navigate. The Ukranian authorities said they tranported 10 mil tons via the Danube. This is now done with small 1000 tons ships but with large ones. Large enaugh ships that need 7m or 8m of water depth. The problem is the press needs to be more agressive. What do we do now? Concrete. We need to force the Ukranians to stop all works in the Danube by cutting their military support, the logistic support and stop helping them to ship their grain. Let 10 milion africans die of hunger because Ucraine cant ship their grain from the Delta. Nothing justifies to just destroy a natural reserve area. A biosphere like the Danube Delta. They need to find other solutions not to destroy this Delta. Every country follows its national interest. This time Romania's interest is on the just side, the right side by not destroying the Danube Delta via building canals putting tons of ships there and basically not giving a single fuck about the Reservation, what the Ukranians do now. War doesnt justify things. Ukranians lied to us and lied to the world because the Danube Delta is admired by all humanity. And if we let Ukranians have their way with things, the Delta as we know it will be gone. Also, if there is no ecological problem, the Ukranians and top NATO and EU officials didnt have to hide the building of the canal, they would have done a real impact study like its done and present solutions. They didnt do that in the hope that no one will get angry. We need to strike them back hard. Share

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