Trusting With A Whole Heart | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | March 24, 2023

1 year ago

Trusting With A Whole Heart | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | March 24, 2023

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.  Proverbs 3:5,6 

Proverbs 3:5,6 is a favorite Bible verse of mine and one I try to recall as I go through life. There’s a simplicity in these words of Solomon that is easy to miss.  So often we look for the deeper meaning behind a passage; we may even read something into a verse that simply isn’t there (context is key).  The command that begins this verse could not be more direct and to the point:  trust with all your heart.  Trust is not a half-hearted effort.  It’s not an on-gain, off-again sort of thing.  No, it is an all-consuming, all-in level of faith that doesn’t waver from moment to moment. 

How is that lived out in a practical way?  For me, one of the simplest applications is to not close God’s word and go about my daily business; ignoring what I just read.  I can go from reading the Bible to watching the news and go from a place of 100% trust to a place of 50% trust (or less).  Circumstances can change my level of trust but they shouldn’t.  If Solomon writes “with all your heart,” he knows the tendency is to give less.  From moment to moment, I must remind myself that my hope is not tied to my feelings or my status in this life.  It is built upon solid rock. My trust remains unchangeable despite what changes around me. We must trust with whole hearts.

Question for today: What things tend to cause my trust to waver? How do I keep coming back to the hope I have in the Lord?

Pray: God help me trust You with all of my heart today!

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