The Testimony of John the Baptist, the Nature of God and the Fall of Man❤️ The Great Gospel of John Volume 1, Chapter 2

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John the Baptist bears witness of the Lord, the nature of God,
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THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN - Volume 1, Chapter 2

Revealed by Jesus Christ thru the inner Word to Jakob Lorber

John 1,6. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.

Jesus says:
2,1. This man, who preached repentance at the Jordan and baptized the converted with water, was called John. Within this man dwelt the spirit of the prophet Elijah, the same angel spirit who defeated Lucifer at the beginning of everything, and later, upon the familiar mountain, wrestled with Lucifer for the body of Moses (as Michael).

John 1,7. This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe.

2,2. This man descended as both an old and new witness from above, that is, from the primordial light, that he might bear witness to it, to the primordial being of God, who had now taken on the flesh Himself and, in the perfect likeness of the human form, Himself as a man, descended to His humans, the men that emerged from Him, so He might once again illuminate them within their night, thereby returning them to His primordial light.

John 1,8. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

2,3. This man was, of course, not the true primordial light itself, and instead, like all other beings, he was merely a piece of it. However, he was granted the privilege of staying bound to the primordial light, by virtue of his overwhelming humility.

2,4. He possessed a steady connection to the primordial light, well aware of the difference between it and his own light, although having gone forth from the primordial light, but not being that light itself, merely an offshoot of it, so he might recognize it and bear true witness of it, and with this understanding he did just that. With this he awakened much of the true light within men's hearts, enough to enable them to recognize and understand, though only faintly initially, but ever more clearly as time passed, that the primordial light, now clothed in the flesh, is nonetheless the same that granted all beings and men their independent existence, which they may keep for all eternity, if they so desire.

John 1,9. That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.

2,5. Not the witness, but his testimony and He of whom he bore witness, were the true primordial light which, since the very beginning, has illuminated and animated all men coming into this world, and continues to animate and illuminate them. Therefore, it says in the ninth verse that the true and proper light is and was the very thing that created all men in their very beginning, destined for a free existence, and now has come to enlighten this existence in abundance, once more shaping it into an image of Himself.

John 1,10. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him.

2,6. It has already been plainly discussed in the fifth verse how this world, that is, benighted men who have gone forth from Me, the primordial light (the word), in their entirety, could fail to recognize Me, despite all the forerunners and heralds of My arrival. However, it has to be specially noted that, in this case, with the term 'world' is not the Earth to be understood, it being the carrier of judged souls, which are what truly constitute matter, but actually men themselves, although partly derived from this matter, no longer belong, or are not meant to belong, to this judged primeval soul matter once they had been made free and independent beings, for it would truly be a gross impertinence if I were to demand of a stone dwelling amidst the deepest judgment to recognize Me. This may certainly only be expected of a liberated soul within which My Spirit dwells.

John 1,11. He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.

2,7. Thus, as already mentioned, not the Earth, but only men, in the nature of their souls and spirits, are to be regarded as the Lord's own, My own, because they are, as it were, themselves primordial light out of My primordial light, and as such, they are one with My fundamental being.

2,8. However, due to the fact that this very existence, expressing itself within them as the feeling of exaltation, has grown weary, which is the very reason for why I came to them as into My property, and still am coming, they failed to recognize Me and, as a result, even themselves, as well as their very own primordial being, which cannot ever be destroyed, for, in essence, it is My being.

John 1,12. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.

2,9. It is very much apparent that, among all those who did not receive or recognize Me, the primordial order remained disturbed, and with this disorder remained a state of suffering, the so-called 'evil' or 'sin'. With many others who did receive Me however, that is, who did recognize Me within their hearts, this evil had to vanish, for they were once again united with Me, as with the primordial order and primeval might of all existence, having found within it themselves and My primordial light as the light within them, and in it, everlasting life.

2,10. In this life, however, they found that they were not only My creations, a fact highlighted by their inferior life sensations, but that, because they carry My Self within them, which was granted independence of Me through the might of My will alone, they are indisputably My very own children, for their light (their faith) is equal to My very own primordial light, and therefore it carries within it the full might and power that dwell within Myself, and with this might is also bestowed upon them the right to not just be called My children, but to be them as well, in their entirety!

2,11. For faith is indeed such a light, and My name, at which the mighty rays of this light are directed, is the power and might, the true nature of My primordial being, through which one and all may accomplish within themselves the righteous and perfectly valid childship of God. That is why the twelth verse remarks that all who will receive Me and believe in My name shall possess the power within themselves to be rightly called 'children of God'!

John 1,13. Those who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

2,12. This verse is but a closer definition and elucidation of the previous one, and in a more closely related language the two verses put together might read as follows: Those who received Him and believed in His name, upon them He bestowed the right to be called 'children of God', those who were not born of the blood, nor of the will of the flesh (desire of the flesh), nor of the will of man, but of God.

2,13. It goes without saying that with this is not meant an initial birth as flesh from the flesh, but a second birth from the spirit of love for God and from the truth of the living faith in the living name of God, He who is called Jesus Jehovah, Lord of Hosts. This second birth is aptly defined as 'the rebirth of the spirit through the baptism from the heavens'.

2,14. The 'baptism from the heavens' is the complete transition of the spirit and the soul, including all their desires, into the living spirit of love for God, and the love within God Himself.

2,15. Once such a transition has taken place of man's own accord, and all his love now dwells within God, then through such sacred love, man, in his entirety, now dwells in God, wherein he is made into a new being, strengthened and reborn by God after having come to full growth. Only after this second birth, preceded by neither the desire of the flesh nor man's procreative will, has man become a true child of God, a feat achieved through God's grace, a free might of God's love within the hearts of men.

2,16. This grace is the very pull of God within the spirit of man, through which he is drawn by the Father to the Son, that is, to the divine, primordial light, the righteous, mighty, living wisdom of God.

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