HK VP 40 / 357 SIG review and range time #ammunition #trainharder #357sig

2 years ago

There are a lot of people that say that you should only have a few different types of calibers for your firearms. The issues we see these days (August of 2020) with that logic is that when there is a run on ammo and you can't find the few calibers that you've chosen; you find that keeping up on live fire training gets not only hard to do but expensive as well.
Enter the odd ball cartridges. Now that 40 S&W, 357 SIG, and 32 ACP have lost popularity with the masses, one may notice that those calibers are the only ones still on the shelf.
It is my humble advice that if you have the means to puck up a firearm that was originally intended for 40 S&W . That way you cam buy a 9mm, and 357 SIG barrel, recoil spring, and cover a few more bases and still be able to find ammunition and to still have the option to train live fire.
admittedly it has been a long time since I shot one of my 357 SIG pistols, so when I bought this one the recoil honestly surprised me a bit, but after knocking the rust off it was hard not to smile after every round of shooting it.
With this philosophy in mind I hope you enjoy taking a close look the the HK VP 40 with the 357 Sig barrel conversion.

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Band: Echo Effect

Album: Where angles learn to fly.

Songs: Only in the movies, Face of the girl, The violence between us, Push-over

Label: P.U.R.E. Pacific underground records and entertainment, Minneapolis, MN

Rights of use through Eric Huard Bass/Vocals

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