what doesn't cripple you will become your super power

1 year ago

very annoyed...you know how much i hate it when people are behind me
very easily annoyed, trade-off: long ass fuse
i don't like to stay pissed off cos that ain't a positive head space
knee injuries due to refusing to wear a seatbelt
totalled poor fiona, RIP...kissed that bitch on the hood every night
appreciated her so much that i pulled out in front of a vehicle n got smashed into
freaked out by the raccoon eyes
no seatbelt, no neck injury
i hate seatbelts cos i hate propaganda
i love how it fades in and out
victim wasn't _____ that's why ______
seatbelt sitch vs. v sitch
they mention the same shit every time totally discounting the situation as a whole by making it about one thing in particular
it's just an instinct thing
i am the direct recipient of my rebellion and distrust of propaganda
i'm lucky i didn't sustain worse injuries
very skeptical about anything pushed in msm and also of course the advertisements
trying to get over things esp if they might just save my life, we are very very stubborn
are the things i'm doin resembling my Savior
don't want anyone around me to be dismayed by my lack of understanding
terrible people in general i don't wanna add to that esp when i understand why He died for me
pensive piano punk
do my actions prove that i'm a hypocrite
i don't think there's anything worse than being a hypocrite
i'm not gonna do what i hate, that's all
not easy or simple tho
consistency is somewhat respectable
there's stuff where i won't budge no matter what
luke warm pieces a shit, fuck em forever
i dunno what i'm playin
if i could do amazing piano punk all the time i wouldn't need to keep _____
i am very familiar with that thorn
it's just so frustrating man
the smartphone would complicate my life way more
absurdity due to seriousness and yet a total joke
i fare well for this thing in my head
just becuz you can't see it don't mean that it's not there
just cos i'm not cryin don't mean i don't care
i can't be myself completely around anybody and this kills me x2
why i can't be what i am right now
i won't allow this to happen
self-awareness of sumin, conscience maybe
i think about all the things i say w/out you there, dear vortex
for everything funny i say so much there that gets in the way of funnier shit that i'm dealin w/
you'll never see it, i got a lot of this lot
acceptance is way better than the alternative
those people that insist that sumin's gotta give will give up their conscience *God part
odd (and spirituality in western civ is so weird), seemingly degenerate...yeah i guess we choose this, we chose this a long time ago
that very society is degenerate tho so...
mental deviancy will be reprimanded but sexual deviancy helps them
stigmatized due to their lack of mind control
religious people saying they're possessed
it's only scary if you dunno what it is
americans don't wanna know what they don't wanna know
blind-sided in every generation
every 5 min you get dumber
i know i bitch about technology all the time
you don't deserve it, you just self-destruct
why don't chu use that smartphone to better yourself
people at work always show me social media stuff
the wise people use technology in a highly intelligent way whereas the large majority of society uses it to kill themselves
that grunt was totally for real
self-destructive and nihilistic with a tool
things seem like extra and it's cos the technology has reshaped their brain and the way they interact
"covid" set it in stone...the "commie takeover"
the tv validates em, there's sumin for everybody on the internet
that relationship is mutual hahaha
they can get everyone to do one thing cos the internet is like the mall of america
i remember in 1991 the internet was amazing
it just makes me sad
there are ups and downs, mainly downs (once they start they can't stop!)
look no further than the obesity problem
living your best life is rather impossible in america
living my fantastic life w/ schizophrenia
didn't run away from my responsibiity as a human being to understand myself
i can enjoy the fruits n pass it along
psych meds make people destroy themselves in many different ways
obsessing about the thing they abused rather than digging up the root of the problem
defects, maladies, whatever...you have to figure this shit out for yourself or it won't mean anything
try doin sumin positive with the negative experience, you can always use that darkness
the lack of understanding prevents people from being able to take the next step
all women have bdpd...on the borderline of psychosis don't trust anything they say
you cannot trust anyone not aware of themselves cos they can't do that either
i trust the reason behind turmoil...God sees it anyway, wtf do i need anyone in the world for
all this world will do is lie to you
you can't see your feelings but you know you're having an extreme experience
hope, gloom or doom? hope for me

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