It's a new day! (Isaiah 3:1-17)

1 year ago

Where it cut me off is where I got the name. The funny part to me, I went it knowing to leave my phone behind (which I can use as a timer) cause HE would cut it off where HE wanted. Kept checking the time cause it felt like much longer than it had been. Truly, Time is in HIS Hands; so are we.
The title may feel a little off, considering the fact that more than once I had said that not much has changed from Isaiah's day, for the world, not much changes, as far as the heart is concerned, in the secular world from one generation to another. Same lies, same crap, same downward spiral. Adam to the flood not much different from then till now. So for the world, no, not much will ever change. But! We are not of this world once we are HIS. We are born again. In it, no longer of it. And so for those of us who trust in The LAMB, it's a new day! A new day given to us to enjoy, and help cultivate the garden. A new day to help make this world brighter by moving and waiting at the sound of HIS voice. *Sheep listen to their shepherd, how much more so do we to our Shepherd, JESUS.*
The cycle of the world doesn't change, ours can and does if we follow HIS voice. The world will have its bad leaders, foolish guides, mislead hearts and the primrose path. We have peace, we have new life, we have and are made shalom. Only GOD can do this, and HE will, if we let HIM. Taking our hands off the chisel while HE takes off everything IN us and on us that isn't meant to be there. The world is out to grind you into dust. GOD wants to make us something more; HIS Own.

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