Somewhere Over the Rainbow - cover performed live by Linda Jean

1 year ago

Who doesn't know and love this song from the wonderful movie and Judy Garland...... But all these years struggling to heal from brain injury....this song means a great deal more to me on a personal level. Stroke like symptoms with a delay to my right hand had it extremely difficult and frustrating to play anything the first year....then my therapist had me tapping a table to a metronome and blinking a laser pointer to try and get the hand and eye coordination better.....well! That was boring so i asked if i could use my instruments instead....and that is what i did! I could only try one to three songs initially and then rest two to four weeks before trying again.....hard to believe something that was my passion and like breathing was so hard and exhausting! But i tried new instruments and songs i'd never tried before....and when i tried this song....i wept afterwards. This song spoke to what i was going through....and now what i still go through......this song became a part of me as all great and magnificently written pieces do! They reach out and touch something in each of us and connect us in a common way for what we go through....they give us words for feelings......they give our emotions a place to be set free. I'm blessed that certain parts of my injury helped me learn....helped me grow......helped me see all the glorious blessings i truly have all around me. Being able to sit here and play for people this far in to my struggle and share music with my community....well....this right here as you watch one of my rainbows i dreamed about flying over but never thought possible. for anyone struggling.....always many blessings matter what...... always rainbows after ever storm in life. Hang in there.....

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