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Rose Care Facts and Myths #listenable

2 years ago

There's no shortage of advice on rose care. Some have travelled with roses for decades unchanged, but are they valid? Do they make sense in all situations, or just in certain conditions?

In this video I invited Kimberley (The Rose Geek) on to discuss these garden facts and myths at length - podcast style. It's not my regular pace of presentation, but I figured that since I'm trying to give fair consideration to different points of view, I didn't want to rush through it. So settle in for a bit - or better yet, find something else you can be doing and listen to it podcast style! Thanks.

Here's a link to the following video on the Rose Geek channel: https://youtu.be/j8dAIpIo8DQ

Here are a couple of sites where you can find approximate NPK values for organic amendments:

And that article page on Joegardener (with guest Linda Chalker Scott) discussing the myth of B1 vitamins and others: https://joegardener.com/podcast/034-gardening-myths-busted-pt-1-with-linda-chalker-scott/

For a wide range of great articles on garden myths, check Robert Pavlis' site: https://www.gardenmyths.com/

0:00 Intro
1:16 "Don't Mulch Your Roses"
5:23 "Soak Bare Root"
10:56 "Cut at a 45 Degree Angle"
13:22 "Seal Pruning Cuts"
18:49 "Plant the Crown Deep"
23:25 "Apply Epsom Salts"
27:18 "Compost Tea Cures All"
30:54 "B1 Vitamins for Stress or Transplant"
32:55 "Mosaic Virus Can Be Spread with Dirty Tools"