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Cafe Freedom - Feb 20 2023

1 year ago


CAFE FREEDOM MONDAY - FEB 20 2023 https://rumble.com/v2a5uei-cafe-freedom-feb-20-2023.html

#freedomconvoy2022 #freedomconvoy2023 #cdnpoli #DefundCBC #BreakingNews #WeMoveAsOne #rollingthunderottawa #rollingthunder #FreedomConvoy #freedom #freedomofchoice #freedomofspeech #freedomfighters #TrudeauMustGoNow #TrudeauMustGo #greatresist #mybodymychoice #PEOPLESCONVOY #Trump2024 #TrumpWon #LetsGoBrandon #fucktrudeau #FuckJoeBiden #redpilled #suddenlydied #CashIsKing #2000Mules #TrudeauForTreason #TrudeauMustResign #trudeauisdestroyingcanada #BidenCrimeFamily #gowokegobroke #Pureblood #truenorth #WeTheNorth #WeThePeople


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  • Ok so to continue where I left off. Polly picks and chooses what she wants without a thought of the timeline in that person's life or thought process. When the vaccines first came out Dr Peterson like thousands of others did accept the lie hook line and sinker. Dr John Campbell did as well. Both wore their masks even though DR Campbell knew there was very little protection if any from them. Dr Malone did as well. Both took the shots plus at least one booster and then their eyes were opened. Dr Petersen accepted that people should have their freedom to choose but did encourage the jabs for awhile. Don't forget he had Covid and was in his early stages of physical and mental health recovery. He is NOT a Christian. He is a seeker. His wife and daugther are now going to the Catholic church but that doesn't make them blood bought saved. So don't expect religious people to have spiritual discernment. Petersen is a human who though is very knowledgeable, he is also terrified of the future. Terrified people look for ways to escape which I think where his idea of creating a parallel world is coming from. That doesn't make them apart of the WEF or a globalist. I think Polly is dead wrong about this. Polly doesn't have discernment. She has knowlege but even that she doesn't do her homework. I could be wrong but I think she was a Q follower which is very prejudice against the Jewish people. Joe before speaking about any ideas or people you really should do your homework thoroughly otherwise you come off as just another quick opinionist.