Up In Smoke Again 2/19/2023

1 year ago

Up In Smoke Again! 2/19/2023
The All American Canal that runs along the eastern part of the city of Calexico, between Bowker and Cole roads, until recently, provided nature lovers with a peaceful place to rest the soul and momentarily escape from the daily grind reveling in the natural beauty that surrounded its stream. Observing a majestic sunset, marveling at the song of the birds, taking the family and the pet for a walk, riding a bike or fishing were healthy and frequent activities that the residents of this area used to do. However, due to the increase in noxious and dangerous activities including illegal dumping, frequent fires, and the number of homeless people living in this area, very few people dare to venture into this place anymore.

El Canal Todo Americano que se extiende a la orilla este de la ciudad de Calexico, entre los caminos Bowker y Cole, hasta hace poco, proporcionaba a los amantes de la naturaleza un lugar apacible donde descansar el alma y, momentaneamente escapar de la rutina cotidiana deleitandose en la belleza natural que rodeaba su corriente. Observar una majestuosa puesta de sol, maravillarse con el canto de las aves, sacar a la familia y la mascota a caminar, andar en bicy o pescar eran actividades saludables y frecuentes que los residentes de esta area solian hacer. Sin embargo, debido al incremento de actividades nocibas y peligrosas que incluyen la tira de basura illegal, los frecuentes incendios, y el numero de indigentes que habita esta area, muy poca gente se atreve a aventurarse en este lugar.

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