97% Owned - ‘Money’, I.E. Fiat Currency: Root of all Social & Economic Crises. | Finance Documentary from 2012

1 year ago

In 1935, during the Great Depression, the Senate Committee on Banking and Currency questioned the role of money as a basic cause of nationwide bank failures. To explain the workings of our monetary system they called in Robert Hemphill, a former credit manager of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Georgia.
"If all the bank loans were paid, no one could have a bank deposit, and there would not be a dollar of coin or currency in circulation. This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash, or credit. If the banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless situation is almost incredible - but there it is." ~ Robert Hemphill
Who creates money and where it ends up can completely transform a society, yet very little is know about how and who is responsible for its creation.
97% owned presents serious research and verifiable evidence on the true nature of credit creation and its implications for the economic, social and financial system. Delving deep into the inner workings of the dominant western monetary system the film uncovers and reveals previously hidden information and facts drawing attention to the social implications on a local and global level.
Very few people can accurately explain where money comes from and who creates it. The debate on money creation remains highly charged, inaccurate and subjective. 97% Owned set out to understand the system.
Working with think tanks, academics, pressure groups and the Bank of England’s own public records, the film unearthed multiple types of national currency and forms of money. The film's title was taken from the finding that commercial Banks created the vast majority of money, 97%, when they create loans. For what purpose, and how much is created, shapes the size of the banking sector, the countries economic growth and the well being or misery of our societies. The film explains the relationship between money creation, growth and inflation.
We also find that there are multiple forms of debt, there is the type of debt that originates when we borrow money from each other, but there is also another type of debt, which comes into existence when goods, services and currency are traded between nations. It is the movement of these transactions, also known as the balance of trade, that can affect the solvency of a country. Volume matters, and developed, dominant countries and their financial institutions can force a default on less developed and more vulnerable countries, through the rapid withdrawal of their currency. The aim of such a raid is to effect changes in law and ownership of key industries, and to gain access to resources and markets.
When money drives almost all activity on the planet, it’s essential that we understand it. Yet simple questions often get overlooked – questions like: Where does money come from? Who creates it? Who decides how it gets used? And what does that mean for the millions of ordinary people who suffer when money and finance breaks down?
97% Owned is a documentary that reveals the creation of credit, out of nothing, and the mystery that surrounds it and that you are not supposed to know about or understand. It is important to grasp how a criminal global(its) syndicate is artificially, planning, designing and creating economic “booms & busts”, and how this deliberate process has been at the root of all previous “economic” collapses, and is at the root of our current social and economic crisis.
Referring to the 97% of the world’s money supply that is represented by counterfeit credit from thin air alone, this thought provoking film presents serious research and verifiable evidence on the world's economic and financial Ponzi scheme system, and is the first documentary to tackle this issue from a UK-perspective.
Featuring frank interviews and commentary from economists, campaigners and former bankers, it exposes the PRIVATIZED, CORPORATE debt-based “monetary”, I.E. FIAT CURRENCY DEBT SYSTEM, that gives PRIVATE banks the power to create counterfeit “money” I.E. FIAT CURRENCY, as DEBT LIABILITIES to the people, OUT OF THIN AIR, and shape the “economy”, which is, in fact, nothing but a parasitic criminal corporate energy usurping and wealth transfer system. How it gives the private families that constitute the world’s corporate “banking" crime syndicate the power to artificially create booms and busts, and so cause crises when they want or need one.
Fact-based and clearly explained, 97% Owned demonstrates how the power to create counterfeit “money”, as debts to the people, is the piece of the puzzle that economists were missing, or omitting, when they failed to predict any previous or coming crises.
Political philosopher John Gray, commented: "We're not moving to a world in which crises will never happen or will happen less and less. We are in a world in which they happen several times during a given human lifetime and I think that will continue to be the case."
If you have decided that crisis as a result of the counterfeit “monetary” debts system is not something you want to keep revisiting in your life-time, then this documentary will equip you with the knowledge you need. What you do with it is up to you. It is up to the people, to stop this. So long as the people continue to play the game along with the globalist crime syndicate, it will not stop until that crime syndicate has fulfilled the end-goal of their agenda, which is to establish their one world governance system, in which not even the illusion of freedom can be maintained by the populace. In which the corporate globalist crime syndicate will control EVERY aspects of EVERYONE’s life. Of ALL life on the planet. This is what the Communist crime syndicate United Nations Agenda 21-2030 is all about.
To learn more about the financial Ponzi scheme of slavery and exploitation that we slave our lives away for:
🎥 Watch: Money Magick - Money As Debt (2006) Part 1 - Have you ever wondered, how everyone in the world can ALL be in debt!?? All at the same time?? If everybody would stop.., & think..! How can this be!!??
🎥 Watch: Money Magick - Money As Debt (2009) Part 2 - Promises Unleashed
🎥 Watch: The Money Masters
🎥 Watch: 97% Owned - ‘Money’, I.E. Fiat Currency: Root of all Social & Economic Crises. | Finance Documentary from 2012
🎥 Watch: End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless (2012) - Why Silver & Gold are Friends & Guarantees of Freedom, & "government's" Enemies
🎥 Watch: Hidden Secrets of Money, Episode 1: Debt Based Currency vs. Real Money
🎥 Watch: Hidden Secrets of Money, Episode 2: The 7 Stages of Empire
🎥 Watch: Hidden Secrets of Money, Episode 3: From Dollar Crisis to Golden Opportunity
🎥 Watch: Hidden Secrets of Money, Episode 4: The Biggest Scam in the History Of Mankind (in 7 Easy Steps)
🎥 Watch: Hidden Secrets Of Money, Episode 5: The Rise Of Dictators Via Economic Crisis
🎥 Watch: Hidden Secrets of Money, Episode 6: End Of US Dollar Dominance - The Rollercoaster Crash
🎥 Watch: Hidden Secrets of Money, Episode 7: The USA’s Day of Reckoning
🎥 Watch: Hidden Secrets of Money, Episode 8: The Crypto Revolution
🎥 Watch: Hidden Secrets of Money, Episode 9: Fall of Empires Rome vs USA
🎥 Watch: Hidden Secrets of Money, Episode 10: American Bread & Circus
🎥 Watch: State of Control – Full Documentary
🎥 Watch: Secrets Of The United Nations
🎥 Watch: Reflections & Warnings - An Interview With Aaron Russo -- MUST WATCH!! Revealing & Shocking to Most of the People!
🎥 Watch: An Introduction to THE OCCULT ART OF LAW. ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH!! How the CORPORATE Take Over of the Planet is Being Fulfilled
🎥 Watch: It's an Illusion - John Harris (Full Length). ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH!! Lawful Rebellion Conference British Constitution Group, Stoke-on-Trent, 24th January, 2009

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