What Would Jesus Do About the New World Order? (WWJDATNWO)

1 year ago

One of my favourite lines from the HitchHiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is both tongue-in-cheek and poignant at the same time: “And then, one Thursday, nearly two thousand years after one man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change … ”

This is still the world we live in, some things have not changed that much in 2000 years. Generally, the citizens of Planet Earth are not really interested in being nice to each other. What they want is to pile up wealth. Sociopaths want wealth plus power.

Political leaders in our time are similar to leaders in Jesus’ time. They attack any movement or person who is a perceived threat to their established power base. We witnessed this in February of 2022, when a convoy of truckers stormed Parliament Hill in Canada, and demanded an end to unjust medical mandates. The Trudeau government felt threatened by these peaceful protesters who attempted to pressure Trudeau to end the coercive healthcare mandates.

Jesus had his own issues with the political and religious establishment of his time. The Sanhedrin were enraged that he ruined their cash cow in the temple courts. The fee that the money changers were charging, to exchange foreign currency into shekels, was making millions for the synagogue in Jerusalem. The temple mandated that all sacrificial animals had to be “without blemish,” and therefore, they could force everyone attending Passover or other festivals, to buy their approved animals. And the Sanhedrin took a cut.

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All works are co-authored with my partner MB Bose. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.

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