Eagle Owl-Morning Visit, Mating Off Cam 🦉 02/16/23 05:26

2 years ago

The male Eagle Owl arrives at the nest hooting to his mate who is being very verbal off-cam. After 10 minutes of conversation back and forth, the male departs from the nest, flies to his mate, and with a few calls back and forth, mating can be heard off-cam. Followed by a final duet between the two.

#Nature #EagleOwl #Wildlife #BirdsOfPrey #Owl

Courtesy Of:
The Eagle Club Estonia’s YouTube channel
Supported by: The Estonian Fund for Nature toel.

Location: The northern coast of Estonia.

Cam Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jw2BUxDdVg

Eagle Owl Nest Camera Information:

Additional Eagle Owl Stats:

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