piano punk over sunset driving round, TRANCE!gressive

1 year ago

it's an avg day in the life of ag
beautiful sunset there, enjoy
i actually have a subject this time...
let's see how well i stay on this subject
i tend to ramble, does anybody do that anymore
it's okay as long as it's entertaining
camcorder, we don't have a smartphone we don't want a smartphone DEATH TO SMARTPHONES
you don't have to go along w/ "progress"
making the dick of progress come...yes my mind goes there and i ain't gon hide it
crass is trancegressive, funny and atypical
stumptown cold brew time, you will thank me whenever you're not a pussy anymore
wtf was i saying
that was what i was talking about
i ramble yes we know
i practice what i preach and i only preach outside of the church
wow...everything is falling apart cos of women's mouths
run their mouth and run society out
there's nothin left to talk about but women will find sumin
same sumin over n over again
pretending we wish this shit was ending ,they dunno how
everybody hates women including women
so many women admit this to me later (i always have to say it first)
listening to them is exhausting
i wouldn't put up w/ their shit if i truly hated women, you fools!
unnecessary text msgs once again from you know who...talking nonstop
boring-ass people have a megaphone
typical and lame ass people have control over things
let society destroy society
look at that beautiful scenery
i follow the deeper instinct but...
i love throwing stuff, man
comedy ad infinitum
the instinct that told me not to trust drs, teachers, govt authority figures
busting pretend criminals and fighting pretend wars...everything tho
instinct didn't follow it today
immediately when i locked my door...
didn't listen to the voice of God
you can't throw around your smartphone, booyah
beat the fuck outta women, feisty in this mf
i knew this misogynist in me was gonna come out
counter culture contrarian misogynist i guess that's what they will say
it's just annoyance really
frito lay truck, sari got distracted
i just notice things is all
yes this party yawl are really part of sumin
the most obvious of all of em
what EVER...i need clueless on vhs
these social programs never truly help anybody
mental ill...most medical personnel are trash
some merit but so what just deal with it
they treat everything with pills now
we don't like taking meds so we don't do it
watch the sunset while i drive
side effects, current and ongoing
i hate alabama all cos of you
not helping driving schools
yawl get a break now cos we're at work
i need one of those magical thingamagigs
i threw my phone on the floor board
four new msgs that i don't care about
internet brain hate it for yawl
hieroglyphics yawl call em imoges
of course that chat thingie is gonna take over conversations, i mean duh
i wanna talk to this thing just cos it might be fun to talk to a robot, i wonder if it will have more of a personality than americans
the fact that people don't ask these questions is disturbing
typical example of ag's reaction to women talking
the title of a movie that nobody but women would watch...arrogance
specifically not interested in women stuff
i do feel bad for doing this but these stereotypes are always right
certain behavioral characteristics (emotionally manipulative) that women exude and obnoxious as fuck, zero responsibility
saint mary of egypt was more degenerate than i was, she had sex with more people
might as well go repent in the desert...hit that dusty trail amy

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