why didn't that joke work? cos the audience is stupid

1 year ago

nashville from another angle
on shelby ave, east nasty
yet another shitty dive bar, yours truly at a shitty dive bar?
i like cities a lot, figured i'd live in one but alas
switch lanes, damnit
get the fuck on, semi
i feel bad for lying unintentionally so...
it's not extreme, people should be more like me
the ag attitude is the right attitude
one final shot of the city before we leave
we're probably gonna do a comedy show @ hustler, exciting shit
Jesus hung out with the sinners so it makes sense to me
gay ass prism once again
maybe i oughta go to discount tire just to check on my tires due to all these potholes
enthusiasm is over, they can't fix shit in a city
we forgive the street, it ain't their fault
the state is just so clever, they rhyme n everything
drunk people don't look at these signs n go _____
the whole point of getting drunk is to lose all previous fucks given about anything, that's why it's fun you sillyheads
i really only drove drunk once (after leaving the gold rush in a very inebriated state)
instant sobriety once in that driver's seat
break the laws every chance you get
transgressive is the way to go, have some fun
the back door is better than the front door *nope, not what you wanna think that's about you fuckin perverts
Christianity is a back door religion
booze. drugs. premarital sex. welcome to the twenties.
they choose death over life becuz they have gross misconceptions about life
i married my high school sweetheart, end of story
it's all a risk, tho
not knowing if you'll have an STD tmrw
genderless void...so true!
is there a bar in east nashville that's conservative in the slightest
i'm driving perfect, damnit
they're leaving, not a cop
does the fast lane count at 2am
back to seminar time
non-denominational but we forgive
women tend to agree w/ my misogyny
not a feminist but i understand the reluctance to be just an object for men and nothing more, that's not what God wants either so i think that many have screwed this all up
if i wasn't schizo my vagina would be a slip n slide for my husband
"parenting" in america
if you were smarter you'd figure out how to work with these problems rather than fighting them or pretending they don't exist
i wish my vagina was clean as a whistle but alas...
judson is awesome, listen to his music...https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFOYxckfT46776xa8QUnSmg
race does matter due to stereotypes
positive stereotype about blacks...
white people aren't comfortable w/ themselves, very hard for them to entertain black people
you know what, fuck you
self-deprecation is for pansies
i punish the audience and insult them
rebuttal jokes are a gift from God
i've turned that disappointment into a joke that always kills
self-awareness tends to win them over
drunk people are funny tho
don't be mean just make fun of it
you can always twist it until they understand
is that still rain or is it frog jews
speaking of jew...ronnit
if i don't pick her up she won't come, lazy cow
if you're in nashville go to the samurai sushi bar off elliston
so many places have closed down, so sad
gold rush was old nashville and i think that they were forced to close
judicial system is totally fine w/ crazy
they can't come up with solutions cos they're not anarchists

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