How to Find REST ft. Dave Williams | Strong By Design Ep 272

1 year ago

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Life today is moving at breakneck speed.  

People are busier than ever, maxed out, overwhelmed, and filled with anxiety and stress. Look around and you can just feel it in your community, in the news and all over the world.  

This episode is giving you permission to stop. To shut down and unplug. It is time to find rest to allow for healing, restoration and renewal of your body, mind and spirit. 

Co-host Jared Haley sits down with friend and pastor Dave Williams to talk about finding some overdue rest in our lives. If God rested, then it is probably important for us as well. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  ~Matthew 11:28-30  


“The essence of rest is stopping our labor, stopping those things we’re doing, those things that are making a living for us, and that we just stop, look around, take notice and rest in the goodness of God." - Dave Williams 


Time Stamps   
01:15 – Welcome to the ‘Strong by Design’ podcast 
2:38 - Get to know Pastor Dave Williams and his ministry
05:42 - Pastor Dave shares the motivation behind his ministry 
09:16 - The true meaning of rest 
12:16 - Why God rested and you should too 
22:12 - How Sabbath is like a tithing of our time to God 
26:01 - Why did Jesus often withdraw to lonely places alone 
32:00 - Matthew 11:28: Pastor Dave on finding 'real rest' in God
41:49 - Pastor Dave on how to live a more peaceful life 
47:00- Pastor Dave's thoughtful prayer for peace and rest 


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