Behind The Smoke Screen: Exposing The Evil Lies Of The Tobacco Industry

1 year ago

In this video we go behind the scenes to expose some of the deep rooted evil within the tobacco industry. In this video we look at all of the dark strategies which big tobacco brands have used time and time again to keep people hooked onto their products. From unethical working conditions to exploitation of workers and environmental pollution, big tobacco brands have been accused of a lot over the years. Arguably, where the tale takes it's turn for the worst is where brands tried to ignore, cover up and lie about the harmful effects of their products, marketing products as low harm & advertising in deceitful ways. Overall, the malfeasance which we have seen from the tobacco industry is one of the biggest breaches of trust which we have seen from any big corporation, arguably in history. Whilst governments claim more is being done to combat the evil effects of the tobacco industry, it still turns over billions in revenue every year at the expense of human life.

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