2 years ago

Strong men are necessary and strong women already know that. Masculine men need NEVER apologize for recognizing the value they bring to the world.

Talk is cheap and the weakest among us pretend that strong men are not something to be respected. Yet, at the first sign of trouble, the place they would look is to a strong man.

Kings, stay the course. Our stoicism, self-sufficiency and leadership is crucial. Our north star is not their admiration but rather our own self-respect. Knowing that we did what needed to be done no matter who tried to convince us it wasn't necessary.

Strong women are incredibly perceptive. They can see your strength, they feel it in their core. Their instinct is all-powerful and masculinity is as clear of a message as they can get.

Women are engineered to recognize this as it shows high-value towards producing strong, resilient children. There is no faking this.

Strong men are made possible only by the strong women who support them. Turns out, we need each other.

Never forget it.

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