Superbowl Conditioning 57 and The Last of Us

1 year ago

Truth in plain sight is a cliche I use often, but during the Superbowl, between commercials and the halftime show, not to mention all awards shows these days, it's downright audacious in what's being promoted and normalized. There's no easy way to discuss these things without sounding off the map to anyone without the spiritual eyes to see yet, but planting a seed now can harvest fruit when God begins to open the eyes of the sleeping masses at some point.

Satan is the god of this world and every idol that arises in pop culture, whether it's music, television, or sports, is being used to push people more into the world and their own selfish ambitions, than towards the most High God, who is selfless and desires us all to be.

Tonight I'll discuss aspects of commercials, the halftime show, and the The Last of US, the new hit tv series on HBO/Max w Pedro Pascal- the latest dystopian apocalypse drama that is yet another trojan horse of ideologies masquerading as entertainment. My friends, Daniel and JA join the discussion.

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