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2 years ago

Prepare For Change has been providing the public with information pertaining to Cobra & ‘The Event’, Galactic Connections, Corruption, Spirituality, Healthy Living, Mindfulness. and much more…
It’s been the mission of Prepare For Change to educate and prepare the public for The Event, a period in time whereby the corrupt leaders of the world will be taken down in a large scale military arrest for crimes against humanity. Like the financial system being guaranteed to collapse, the same of these corrupt individuals. It’s not IF, but WHEN. That when is drawing closer and closer.
Another part of Prepare For Change was to identify and formulate groups that would be necessary for a new society, one in which corruption no longer has a powerful hand and instead people are given sovereignty over their own lives and the freedom to express the truth unhindered. Where we can build communities that no longer pillage from nature, but work in harmony with nature.
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“The Great Awakening Show” airs on U.K. Health Radio the world’s No 1 ‘Heath Talk Radio’ and has 1.3 million listeners; it also plays on 20 podcast platforms worldwide including Sportily, Apple, and Google. The “Great Awakening Show” is about spiritual truth, guided inspiration, infinite wisdom, and sacred secrets being revealed.
We have inspirational interviews with people from all around the world; light-workers, way-showers, truth speakers, earth keepers, love embracers, healers, authors and all those who are benefiting others and our planet.
Connect with Joanne greatawakeningshow@proton.me Kundalini Healing, Awakening, Manifesting Workshops, and Yoga-www.divinelifeyoga.co.uk Telegram-https://t.me/mjodivinelifeidg_9tQd_hZlOGNk Truth Social-@greatawakeningshow Facebook-https://www.facebook.com/joannedivinelifeyoginiprofile
Peace and Love to you All!

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Great job guys. People need to know more about what our world wide volunteers do, and what the media team has pulled together to awaken humanity! It's definetly a team effort and you've both explained it well.