Ellis Farm-Magpie on The Nest 🌲 02/10/23 11:39

2 years ago

We haven't seen any Owls since the morning of 02/09/23, but a Magpie decided to visit the nest today instead. Magpies are birds known for their bold personality and intelligence. They are also well-known for their calls and songs. Many birds have a song or a few calls, but magpies chatter, whistle, trill, and warble. These birds have even been known to mimic sounds around them such as wind chimes or a dog's barking.
Source: AZ Animals

#Nature #Magpie #Wildlife #Birds #Canada #EllisBirdFarm

Courtesy Of:
Ellis Bird Farm
Location: Alberta, Canada

Cam Link:

Ellis Bird Farm Home Page:

The Story of Ellie and Albert-The Ellis Bird Farm Great Horned Owls:

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