America will be destroyed and will be no more

1 year ago

America is Babylon and so wicked it is worse then Sodom and Gomorrah, you have sodomites in schools, churches, government and everywhere pushing their wickedness on everyone and are proud of it, you have churches that are so dead that they are more of a funeral home now then a church and never read the Bible or anything because it offends them, they care more about sodomites, potlucks, having a huge Christmas display, huge Easter egg hunt, asking for money all the time and never help the abused, orphans, widow's or anyone outside the churches, they allow women to preach, churches are dead and full of unsaved people heading to hell because the pastor is a false prophet or just loves money and doesn't want to offend anyone at all and loose church members, then you have abortion of babies and people accept it and have a temper tantrum if they do not get abortion because they love killing babies, crime is out of control, everything is about race now, America has rejected God and God destroyed countries that rejected Him, Jersalem was destroyed many times by the Babylonians and Romans, Aztecs were to, countries that reject God face His wrath, America is now a pagan heathen worshipping country of sodomites, the vaccine, masks, black's, and anyone that America wants to worship Americans do, church people go to church and then go to olive garden and do what they always do on Monday and Friday and then put their church clothes on Sunday and act like they are so good and righteous when they just play church all the time and it is just another thing they have to do and check it off so they can rush off to lunch and be rude to those working on Sunday and act how great they are, America will be destroyed completely and God will not help America at all, it will be destroyed!!!

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