Five Billion Slaughter-bots Weapon AI based drone weapon are ready be launched now.

1 year ago

We're on the verge of creating autonomous weapons that can kill without any help from humans. Thousands of experts are concerned about this - and the latest campaign effort against this tech is a chilling video demonstrating the kind of future we're heading for.

In the Slaughterbots short, which we've embedded below, swarms of AI-controlled drones carry out strikes on thousands of unprepared victims with targeted precision. What makes the clip so scary is that the scenario is entirely plausible.

The video starts with a spectacular press event where the technology is unveiled for the first time. The miniature drones are able to take out "the bad guys" – whoever they happen to be – without any collateral damage, nuclear weapons, or troops on the ground. All the drone bots need is a profile: age, sex, fitness, uniform, and ethnicity.

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