CHINA'S GENE EDITED SUPERSOLDIERS! - AI Kills Drone Operator! - Transhumanism IS HERE!

10 months ago

Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent news of a US Airforce simulation which ended with an AI-enabled drone killing the human drone operator when he got in the way of the robot's mission. While no one was actually harmed in the simulation, it shows how quickly AI could turn on its human counterparts and that may be the point. Meanwhile, new evidence has come out showing China's been creating gene-edited super-soldiers and brain controlled military weapons. Epoch Times contributor Nathan Su insists that this is happening and it's hard to believe it's not. Considering the technology we learn about 70 years later, consider how far ahead the Chinese and US military are with artificial intelligence and trans-human technology than they're letting on. Meanwhile, Elon Musk just got approval for neuralink by the FDA and it's never been more obvious that we're walking straight into an evil technocratic global state where humans are irrelevant and placated just as the World Economic Forum wants. AI does not have consciousness therefor it is essentially psychopathic. This is the abandonment of the soul and the abandonment to human independence happening before our eyes as the "disposable" humans are corralled into 15 Minute Cities.

We must fight for humanity now or forever hold our peace.


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