good n evil n hypocrisy...mostly asleep these people

2 years ago

sunsets: another case for God
over here in conspiracy land...everything is easy to write off as total bullshit
control idea of reality/control the people in it
no no no let's be good
that's the price of being good
your world gets fucked up if you try to be good
not good for following the rules but not wanting to negatively impact those around me all cos i wanna say fuck it or rebel or whatever
guinea piggery is quite common
plz lemme go, thank you...we appreciate damnit
doin the right thing by not questioning authority figures, subjecting themselves (and everyone else by proxy) to all kindza tyranny
nwo wtf
conspiracy knocked down, that will be the first
the only good news: the sun ain't controlled
people underestimate the gravity of technology
authenticity, woke, just look at this fuckin sweater
flip phone life
we thought about upgrading for a min, didn't take the leap that people didn't even realize they were taking
big picture baby
oooh and ahhhh over pure blood
holster for smartphone, kill people in multiple ways
i love this damn nose ring, i don't care what anybody says hahaha
the flip phone has radiation
one more time why we believe in God
super easy to control the population if you always know what they're doin
us v them over and over again
america, freedom, liberty...
the man in my head agrees
evil as in not self-aware, still negatively impact everybody
is everybody a sadistic psycho path
i'll always make a case for moslems, no degenerate traps over there
extremist way to keep people in line, oppression might be a good thing after all
ooooh a text msg
i need more people to say that to me
my cats ran away from the Holy Water
cats are wise becuz they know no time
living for the moment and they still survive (9 lives)
bats argue all the time cos there are so many of em mfs
why do i desire to do this
force me in my submissive state to go on every single rollercoaster
piece of garbage van, so lucky that there was nobody in the other lane
blowin my mind again
don't chu wanna eat this cloud, that thing in the sky that's so pretty
i want a buffet of that sky
you can't just yell at em for making a bad decision
glad yawl had the opportunity to greet kerry harris
really really good realtor yawl
best liquor store, yes there was an actual vote on this
i guess i could walk in and ask
more fun to speculate as a comedian
they just freaked out n needed to go left
the left might just be the best place to be...shit gets done anyway
church billboard: Love is: Jesus!
people must really like being controlled
if they had any idea how full of shit EVERYBODY was
schizophrenia accusation will be made, so i'm gonna be the one that makes it
no other mental illness stigmatized
you can do well in america if you suck the life and joy outta yourself n others *clusterB
powers at be that oversee everything
don't think i dunno the good, i am more of a genius becuz of the internet
dunno much if they know anything at all
***gematria: many "coincidences" involving certain numbers
prince of darkness controlling hollywood
better be serving n protecting damnit
the man in my head thinks it's the patriotism
if you loved this country you wouldn't support it cos they're just using it
being female makes things like this more difficult we are complicated *some more than others
gotta do it the hard way
i love challenges damnit
and another number that i do not recognize
always late but not too late
toothpicks all over the floorboard
imma go but fun chatting about this fucked up world

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