Sad Harmonica – Original Recording

1 year ago

Original video link here:

The day – or night – that this was made, it was cold and rainy outside during the month of April in the year 2012. I was in my room leaning back in my computer chair, bored out of my mind. The one thing that caught my eye was my little lonely harmonica. I picked it up, turned on my computer, opened the iMovie HD app, hit record, and started playing some slow sad tunes. I made hardly any edits when I was done. After that, I uploaded it.
As time went on, I was surprised at how many views it got on my channel. As of 2023, it reached 106,000 views, and I'm still amazed.

Thank you to everyone who supported my content!

What you'll find on my Rumble channel is my works of art that'll be accompanied by music. I've always wanted to share my art and express my creativity with others, so I decided to use Rumble to help share what I can do.

I support other artists and will Sub4sub!

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