FREEPOLITIK -- Why I Unfriended the Flat Earthers

1 year ago

With anything posted on social media, there comes the inevitable naysayers and contrarians who will adopt the opposing view, no matter what. Such is human nature. We resist being told what to think, especially true in the Freedom community.

Many people were offended or insulted that I would unfriend a group of people, just because they had a different view of the shape of our lovely blue planet. To be honest, this is a fair criticism. Who am I, to claim special knowledge of the make up of the physical universe? After all, the media and government have lied about so much over the last few decades, what makes us think they haven’t lied about the shape of the Earth?

Just for some background, I’ve posted all kinds of stuff on Facebook, some of it controversial, that often resulted in lengthy debates on my Facebook feed. Never did I imagine, that posting that the Earth is a sphere would cause such intense arguments. Mind blowing. Nothing else I have posted has created such flak from the Freedom community.

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