Freedom Fighters are not Flat Earthers.

1 year ago

I believe this whole flat earth thing is ridiculous and gives freedom fighters a bad name. When people think of protestors, you will often hear them say, a bunch of flat earthers. They do not realize, that they are being manipulated by the press to think that.

But you flat earthers do not help our cause. I believe in free speech. I believe in express these things if you think the earth is flat, by all means speak it. But you have to realize, that even if you believe this is true, you are not doing our cause any good. You are discrediting us as all low level intelligence.

I will never discriminate against flat earthers because of my beliefs on free speech, so our platform has these on our facebook group. I invite dissenting views because that is how the truth is exposed. That is real science. People will prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt when it is important enough too. In this video I show you what the earth looks like from 40,000 feet on my trip back from Mexico. So if you want to keep on talking flat earth, I have to wonder, are you purposefully trying to discredit the movement?

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