Off Grid Wood Working: The Home Made Rocking Chair

5 years ago

We've been spending some quality time with Dave in his off-grid wood working shop building a home made rocking chair. Dave is a master of the pole lathe and hand crafts a lot of wood products, check out his stuff at

Chairs are definitely Daves' specialty and perhaps the pinnacle of his lineup is the home made rocking chair. Chair making is a craft that was once well recognized, but is currently on the verge of extinction. Dave is trying to bring it new life, and add his distinct style, from his little straw bale, off-grid wood working shop.

Also, we're trying to extort Blazeking, if you could give us a shout out that would be great. #jeffanddaveonfireforblazeking or #daveishotterthanablazeking

The awesome song is "Chopping Wood" from Last Horse Standing, FB =
get the album at:

Anyone else out there made a home made rocking chair? off-grid? have a Blaze King? Let us know,

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