Homeschool Homestead: The Hong Kong Commentary

5 years ago

We've been a homeschool homestead for 12 years now and I guess it was inevitable that we eventually spill our guts about it.

The world doesn't need more kids that know the exact same facts from the exact same textbooks. We need kids with curiosity, passion, work ethic, kindness and a variety of life experiences.

Friends from Hong Kong filmed with us last spring and made a cool short documentary. They really focused on the homeschool aspect of our off grid homestead. The film is part of a mini-series airing on Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) and you can watch the original here:

Of course it's in Cantonese so we had to dub in the english. I'm pretty sure we captured the intent although.... on a few occasions we did use a little imagination.

Check out Yeah Man's facebook page here:

If you're thinking about homeschool on the homestead, or in the city.... You can do it.

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