Turning forest into gardens with pigs

4 years ago

We've been turning forest into gardens with pigs for a few years now. For a low budget off grid homestead, it can be a great way to clear land and build gardens. It takes a while, and still requires manual labour but you don't need big machines, it's cheap like borsch, the pigs add fertilizer, AND it builds bacon at the same time.

Our process is pretty simple; log the big trees, fence, let the pigs destroy vegetation and loosen the ground, pick sticks, break the ground with a broadfork, and plant with straw (if you need to create topsoil).

We don't sell ham or veggies, but the girls make and sell some cool stuff on our store: https://www.gridlessness.com/shop

Did you know we actually post on the IG!? https://www.instagram.com/gridlessness/

The awesome music is courtesy of Jospeh Tebulte and Last Horse Standing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkU-CRn4SbM

Think turning forest into gardens with pigs is a fairy tail for foxes? You might as well subscribe and see what other strawbrained ideas we sow.

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