Development, Purification and Perfection... Jesus Christ explains ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 63-3

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The Third Testament Chapter 63-3… Development, Purification and Perfection
Teaching 3… Verses 225-344 – Revelations of Jesus Christ

Thus saith the Lord…

225. Just as you see the body of man develop, so too does the spirit in him; yet, the body finds a limit to its development, while the spirit requires eternity and many material incarnations to reach its perfection. That is the reason for your reincarnations.

226. You were born, of the paternal and maternal mind of God as a seed: pure, simple, and clean; do not, however, be confused: being pure and simple is not the same as being great and perfect.

227. Could you compare a newborn babe with a man of experience who teaches children?

228. That will be your destiny throughout the ages, when your spirit is developed. But, oh, how slowly your spirit advances. (212, 57 – 60)

229. Study and analyze, for there are those who become confused, thinking that if your spirit is a particle of My Divinity, how is it possible that you suffer? And if the light of the spirit is a spark of the Holy Spirit, how can you be enveloped in darkness even for an instant?

230. Recognize that this journey is for the purpose of earning sufficient merit before God to convert your spirit from innocent and simple to a great spirit of light at the right hand of the Father. (231, 12)

231. I want you to be good, and what is more, I want you to become perfect; for you, who seem so small, are greater than the worlds and the material objects, for you have eternal life; you are a spark of My light.

232. You are spirits. It is necessary that you recognize what a spirit is so that you can understand why I call you to the road of perfection. (174, 60)

233. You are subject to the Law of evolution, behold here the reason for your reincarnations. Only My Spirit does not need to evolve: I am immutable.

234. From the beginning, I have shown you the ladder which the spirits ascend in order to reach Me. Today you are unaware of the level at which you are, but when you abandon your physical body you will know your degree of evolution. Do not stand still, for you would be an obstacle for those who follow you.

235. In spite of your dwelling in different planes, be united in spirit and one day you will be reunited in the seventh and highest stage, enjoying My love. (8, 25 – 27)

236. I have told you that you have not come only once to earth, but that your spirit has taken this shell as many times as necessary for its development and perfection; I must now add that the time needed to reach that goal is longer or shorter according to your own desire. (97, 61)

237. Who among you would be able to prove that you have not existed before this life? Or who among you, absolutely certain that you have come to reincarnate on earth again, could prove that you have settled your debt with the Father and that you have accumulated merits to your credit?

238. No one knows where He is on the ladder of perfection. Therefore, you need to struggle, love, and persevere to the end. (46, 58 – 59)

239. In order for Me to give you these new revelations, it was necessary that during the time which transpired between My manifestation to mankind as a Man and My arrival in Spirit during this time, you would have passed through many reincarnations on earth, so that when I came and ask you for the previous lesson, your spirit would be able to answer, and when I then granted new revelations, you would be able to understand them. (13, 52)

240. How many times must you return to the earth to bear a body through which the message you bring to the world is manifested with ever more clarity?

241. Allow your spirit, like a skylark, to find its spring in this life, and to enjoy it, and to find during its pilgrimage the experience necessary to return to Me.

242. While the wealthy accumulate treasures that are truly ephemeral, you must store up experience, which is true knowledge. (142, 72)

243. During this period you will struggle against the ignorance of a humanity, which although materialized in all its aspects, is less cruel and more evolved through the experience it has achieved in its previous incarnations.

244. Today, if you know of someone who does not think or worship as the majority do, although you might be surprised and scandalized, you no longer clamor for him to be burned alive. (14, 21 – 22)

245. Do you fear to speak to your brothers of the reincarnation of the spirit? Are you not persuaded of the loving justice it holds?

246. Compare this form of restitution with the form men use to frighten the spirit of humanity: eternal punishment in the perennial flames of the inferno. Tell me which of these two forms gives you an idea of justice that is Divine, perfect and merciful.

247. One of them reveals cruelty, limitless rancor, and [a desire for] revenge; the other contains only forgiveness, charity, and hope of reaching eternal life. Oh, how great a twisting My teachings have suffered through bad interpretations.

248. I prepare you for the struggle because I know you will be opposed for what you teach, but if your brothers who oppose you are surprised by death, and I ask them, if they die in sin, which they would prefer: the eternal fire they believe in, or an opportunity to purify themselves in life; I tell you truly they will choose the latter solution, even if, blinded by fanaticism, they fought against it in life. (120, 15 – 17)

249. It suffices for you to know, as I said to you in My Word, that the reincarnation of the spirit is truth, so that a light may be kindled in your heart and for you to admire more My loving justice.

250. Compare the theories and diversified interpretations that the religions have given these teachings, and lean toward the one that contains a greater justice and has a greater reason.

251. But verily I say to you, that this is one of the revelations that will more deeply touch the spirit during this period in which there is an awakening of intuition regarding this great truth. (63, 76)

252. You will affirm that the reincarnation of the spirit is one of the great truths that humans must know and believe.

253. There are those who through their intuition foresee, accept, and believe in this as something that could not be lacking in My loving justice for men; yet there will also be many who call you liars and blasphemers.

254. Do not fear. The same thing happened to My apostles when they preached the resurrection of the dead taught by Jesus; the priests and magistrates put them in jail for preaching such teachings.

255. Later the world came to accept that revelation, though I can assure you that they did not understand the full meaning of that teaching, and so it has been necessary for Me to come in this Era to teach you that the resurrection of the flesh can only refer to the reincarnation of the spirit, since this is the reason and principle of life and what is truly eternal. What would be the purpose of resurrecting the dead bodies that were the mere temporary clothing of the spirit ?

256. The flesh descends into the earth to blend with it, and be there purified and transformed to spring incessantly again to [another] life, while the spirit continues to elevate, continues traveling toward perfection. When it returns to earth, it is a resurrection to human life, and the shell, upon contact with the spirit, also experiences a resurrection.

257. However, the material, unlike the spiritual, is not of an eternal nature; for that reason I tell you again that it is your spirits that I seek, teach, and wish to bring to Me. (151, 56 – 58)

258. Your spirit drags behind it a chain formed by the lives I have given it as opportunities to work toward perfection, but that were not taken advantage of; each existence forms a link. Yet, if you regulate your life by My teachings, if you adhere to My law, you will not come again to suffer in this world.

259. If you let time pass without studying My word, I, who am time, will surprise you. Study, so that you may occupy the place in My work that corresponds to you.

260. I wish you to cease in your lack of understanding and differences of belief about My Divinity. Understand that all of you sprang from one God. (181, 63 – 65)

261. Behold and appreciate the beauty of the universe in all its perfection. It was created to inspire the children of the Lord, and so that in it they could see an image of the Father. If you see Creation this way you will elevate your minds toward My Divinity. (169, 44)

262. The light of this time is tearing away the veil of darkness that envelops the spirits of men; it comes breaking the chains that hold it and prevent it from coming to the true path.

263. Truly, I tell you not to believe that My doctrine prohibits research in all sciences. It is I who awaken your interest, admiration, and curiosity, and I have given you the gift of thought so that you can go where you wish.

264. I have given you the light of intelligence so that you may comprehend what you see along the way. That is why I tell you: Investigate and examine, but try to make your manner of penetrating My arcane respectful and humble, that is when it will be truly lawful.

265. I have not forbidden you to know the books that men have written, but you must be prepared so that you do not stumble or become confused. By this you will know how man began his struggle, and to where He has come.

266. And when this happens you must seek out the source of My teachings and revelations so that I may show you the future, and the goal that awaits you. (179, 22 – 23)

267. I assure you that if you attempt to penetrate the meaning of these teachings with love and interest, at every step you will discover real marvels and prodigies of spiritual wisdom, perfect love, and Divine justice, yet, if you look with indifference upon these revelations, you will remain ignorant of their content.

268. Do not pass by My manifestation the way that many pass by life, looking without seeing, listening without hearing, and thinking without understanding. (333, 11 – 12)

269. I do not wish for you to analyze My Spirit or anything that pertains to the spiritual as though they were material objects. I do not wish you to study Me as a scientist would, that would lead you into great and lamentable confusions. (276, 17)

270. All of My Doctrine has as its goal the revealing to you of that which you carry within your being. For from that knowledge is born the light to find the road that leads to the eternal, the perfect, to God. (262, 43)

Purification and Perfection

271. Today you expose your afflictions to Me, so that I may heal them, and in truth I say to you, that is My mission. I have come for that purpose, for I am the Divine Doctor.

272. However, before My balsam is in your wound, before you feel My caress, concentrate on yourselves and examine your pain, analyze it, meditate deeply for as long as it is necessary so that through that meditation you can obtain the teaching that ordeal contains, as well as the knowledge that it conceals, and which you should know. That knowledge will be experience, it will be faith, it will be coming face to face with the truth, it will be the explanation of many trails and lessons not comprehended by you.

273. Examine that gain as if it were something tangible, and you will discover the beautiful seed of experience, a great lesson of your existence, because pain has come to be a teacher during your lifetime.

274. He who regards pain as a teacher, and with meekness heeds its call for regeneration, repentance and correction, will know afterward about gentleness, peacefulness and health.

275. Examine yourselves carefully and you will see how much you will benefit by it. You will become aware of your defects and imperfections, you will correct them and there – fore you will cease to judge others. (8, 50 – 53)

276. By simply wanting to be clean, you will be cleansed. What would the merit be if I were the one who purified you? If each one makes restitution for his breaking of My law, that indeed has merit, for then you will know how to avoid errors and falls in the future because you would remember the pain from the past.

277. If sincere repentance occurs between the fault committed and its natural consequences, you will not suffer pain, for then you will already be strong enough to endure the trial with resignation.

278. The world is experiencing much bitterness, although I have never punished it. After that suffering, humanity will come to Me, for I am summoning mankind. At that point, those who were ungrateful will know how to give thanks to the one who has only poured out goodness during their existence. (33, 30 – 31)

279. Rid yourselves of excessive love for your body and have charity toward your spirit, helping it to purify and elevate. When you have achieved this, you will see how strong your spirit and body will be.

280. Think: if the spirit is ill, how can there be peace in the heart? And if there is remorse in your spirit, can it enjoy peace? (91, 72 – 73)

281. If this earth were to satisfy all of your desires, and if you did not have to endure any spiritual ordeals, who among you would wish to come to My Kingdom?

282. You should not curse your suffering, since you have created it with your faults. Endure it patiently, and it will purify you and help you come closer to Me.

283. Do you notice how deeply attached you are to the things of grandeur and pleasures of this world? Nevertheless, the moment will come when you will strongly desire to leave them.

284. Whoever succeeds in fulfilling his restitution with elevation will experience peace in that process. The one who walks on earth glancing toward heaven does not stumble; neither will his feet be harmed by the thorns found along the path of his restitution. (48, 53 – 55)

285. Comply with your destiny; do not wish to return to Me without first having traveled the road which I have outlined for you, because you would have to experience the pain of contemplating blemishes in your spirit which it was unable to clean, because it had not completed its restitution.

286. The reincarnations have come to you, and many of you have not valued the infinite grace and love with which the Father has entrusted you.

287. Behold that the greater the number of opportunities, the greater your responsibility shall be, and if these opportunities are not put to good use, the debt of justice and restitution will increase; that is the burden whose unbearable weight many beings are not able to explain, and only My Doctrine can reveal it. (67, 46)

288. These trials through which humanity is passing, are the fruit you gather as a result of your own sowing, a harvest which is at times the fruit sown a year before, and other times was sown years before or in another lifetime. (178, 2)

289. Do not believe that the consequences of disobedience are immediately visible. No, what I tell you is that sooner or later you must answer for your works. At times it will look to you as though your errors have not brought consequences because time passes and My justice as yet has given no sign.

290. You know from My word, however, that I am an inexorable judge, and that when your judgment comes you will open your eyes to the light of conscience. (298, 48)

291. O you spirits that hear Me, do not allow the vicissitudes of earthly life to exhaust you, or to imprint you with their mark. Seek the light within each trial, and they will serve to strengthen and temper you.

292. When the spirit does not succeed in imposing itself on the material, it is bent and dominated by it. That is why spirits weaken and come to believe that they die together with the flesh. (89, 11 – 12)

293. Have you ever in your life experienced some material passion that encompassed all your being, preventing it from hearing the voice of the conscience, of morality and reason?

294. It is then that your spirit has fallen to the lowest, for that is when the temptations and strength of the beast of evil, which inhabits the flesh, have dominated you.

295. Is it not true that when you freed yourselves from that passion and overcame its influence, you felt happiness and deep peace?

296. This peace and joy are owed to the triumph of the spirit over the material, a triumph achieved at the cost of an immense struggle, a devastating interior battle. And yet, it was enough for the spirit to gather its strength and stand up, induced and counseled by the conscience, so that upon conquering the impulses of the flesh it was freed from being dragged toward the abyss.

297. There, in that battle against yourself, in that renunciation, you saw something living inside yourself die, but it was not your life, only an insane passion. (186, 18 – 19)

298. Behold that your most powerful eneMy you carry is within yourselves. When you have conquered it, you will behold under your feet the dragon with seven heads of which the Apostle John spoke. It will be then when you can truly say: I can raise My face to My Lord to say to Him: ‘Father, I will follow you, for then it will not be your lips saying it, but your spirit. (73, 20)

299. Soon you will realize that life is not cruel with you men, but rather that you are cruel to yourselves. You suffer and make all around you suffer from lack of understanding. You feel alone, you see that no one loves you, and become selfish and hard of heart. (273, 34)

300. Understand that all the penalties of this, your life, are the consequence of human failings, for I, who loves you, could never offer you a cup of such bitterness.

301. I have revealed since the first times the Law as the road on which you can save yourselves from the stumbles, from the abyss, and from death. (215, 65)

302. Today you do not correctly understand the meaning of your trials; you judge them unnecessary, unjust and senseless, yet I will tell you how much justice and precision there was in each one of them when you arrive to old age; or to others, when you have passed from the threshold of this world and find yourselves inhabiting the spiritual regions. (301, 44)

303. I say again to you that I perceive all thought and pleas, but in contrast the world does not know how to receive My inspiration, nor has it prepared to allow My Divine thoughts to shine forth in their minds, nor to hear My voice when I answer their call.

304. But I have faith in you, I believe in you, because I formed you and prepared you with a spirit that is a glimmer of mine, and a conscience that is My image.

305. If I told you that I do not expect you to reach perfection, it would be as though I had declared Myself to have failed in the greatest work that has sprung from My Divine will, and that cannot be.

306. I know that you are in the Era when your spirits will emerge victorious from all the temptations they have found along the way, after which they will rise full of light to a new existence. (238, 52 – 54)

Here, and Beyond the earthly

307. Prepare yourselves; do not wait for death to catch you unprepared. What preparation have you made for your return to the spiritual existence? Do you want to be surprised when you are still tied with chains to the flesh, to your passions, to earthly possessions? Do you want to enter the Hereafter with your eyes closed without finding the pathway, carrying an impression in your spirit, a weariness of this life? Be prepared, disciples, then you will not fear the coming of death of the body.

308. Do not sigh at having to leave this valley, because if you realize that in it there are marvels and greatness, truly I say to you that they are only an image of the beauty of the spiritual life.

309. If you do not awaken, what will you do when you find yourselves in the beginning of a new pathway, illuminated by a light that will seem strange to you?

310. Depart from this world without tears, without leaving grief within the heart of your loved ones. Free yourself when the moment comes, leaving in the countenance of your body a peaceful smile that speaks of the liberation of your spirit.

311. The death of the body will not keep you away from those beings who have been entrusted to you, nor will it separate you from the spiritual responsibility that you have toward those who were your parents, brothers or children.

312. Understand that death does not exist for love, for duty or for feelings; in short, for the spirit. (70, 14 – 18)

313. Work with great determination, so that upon reaching death, and closing your body’s eyes to this life, your spirit will feel itself elevated on its own to arrive at the dwelling that by its merits it has come to deserve.

314. The disciples of this work shall behold in the moment of bodily death how easily the ties of the spirit to the material are broken. In them there shall be no pain at having to leave behind the satisfactions of the earth; their spirits shall not wander like shadows among men, calling from door to door, from heart to heart, in search of light, charity, and peace. (133, 61 – 62)

315. Elevate your spirit so that you may enjoy only the eternal, with what is beautiful and good. If it were not so, your materialized spirit, due to the life you have led, shall suffer greatly to part from its body and everything it left behind, and will have to roam in space for a time enveloped by confusion and bitterness until it ends his purification.

316. Live within My Law and you will not have to fear death, but do not call nor desire it before its time; let it come, as it is always obedient to My mandates. Make sure that it finds you prepared, and in that way you will enter the Spiritual Mansion as children of light. (56, 43 – 44)

317. Live peacefully in your home. Make it a sanctuary so that when the invisible beings, who wander confused in the spiritual valley, enter your home, will discover the enlightenment and peace that they seek. This will help them to elevate spiritually in the spiritual valley. (41, 50)

318. To those who are living in the spirit and are still attached to material ideals, I say to you: Depart from that which no longer belongs to you, because if the earth is not an eternal mansion for man, it is much less so for the spirit. Far beyond, in the spiritual Realm, a life filled with lights awaits you which you will reach, step by step, on the pathway of righteousness.

319. I say to those who are hearing me in human form, for as long as you possess that body that accompanies you on your earthly journey, you must care for and protect it to the last, for it is the support on which your spirit leans, and its tool in the struggle. Through its material eyes the spirit looks out upon this life, and through its mouth it speaks to give comfort to its brothers. (57, 3)

320. Now the Master asks you: Where are your dead, and why do you cry at the disappearance of your loved ones? Truly I tell you, to Me none have died, because I have given you eternal life. All who you have lost are with Me. There, where you believe you see death, is life; where you see an ending, is the beginning. Where you believe there is Mystery and the unfathomably arcane, is the clear light of the unending dawn. Where you believe there is nothing, is everything and where you perceive silence, is the concert. (164, 6)

321. Every time death ends the existence of your shell, it is like a truce for your spirit, which, upon reincarnating, will come forth with new strength and greater light to continue studying that Divine lesson it has not finished. It is in this way that the planting that is your spirit matures.

322. I have revealed much to you about the spiritual life, yet I tell you that it is not necessary that you understand everything for now, only that which is essential for your arrival in the eternal dwelling. There I will tell you all that is destined for your knowledge. (99, 32)

323. Can you imagine the pleasure of He who returns to the spiritual life having fulfilled on earth the destiny marked for him by his Father? His satisfaction and peace are infinitely greater than all the satisfactions the spirit can gather in human life.

324. And this opportunity I am offering you, so that you will be among those who enjoy the return to your kingdom, and not among those who suffer and weep in the midst of their confusion and repentance. (93, 31 – 32)

325. The end of this manifestation approaches, to be reinitiated in a higher form, establishing spirit to Spirit communication with your Creator, which is the way of those more elevated spirits who dwell close to Me. (157, 33)

326. When I speak to you of My Spiritual World, I refer to the hosts of obedient beings who are like true servants, who do only what the will of their Lord ordains.

327. It is they I have sent among you to be counselors, guardians, doctors, and true brothers to all men. They do not come to weep, for they bear peace within; they do not come to question, for the light of their evolution and their experience on the long journey has given them the right to kindle light in the understanding of men. They are timely with their help, considerate and humble before any call or necessity.

328. It is I who have ordered them to manifest themselves before you and to give you their lessons, their testimony, and their stimulus. They walk ahead of you so that you may find the path clear, and lend you help so that you do not falter.

329. Tomorrow, you too will form part of that arMy of light which in the infinite world of the spirits goes working only for the love for their brothers knowing that they thereby give love and glory to their Father.

330. If you wish to be like them, consecrate your existence to the good. Share your peace, and your bread, receive the needy with love, and visit the sick and those who are held in prison. Kindle light on the path of your brothers who go feeling their way in search of the true path. Fill the infinite with noble thoughts, pray for those absent, and prayer will bring you closer to them.

331. And when death halts the beating of your heart and extinguishes the light in your eyes, you will go to awaken in a world wonderful for its harmony, its order, and its justice. There you will begin to understand that the charity of God is that which can compensate you for all your trials, your suffering, and your works.

332. When a spirit comes to that dwelling it begins to feel filled by an infinite peace; its memory returns in an instant to those still far from that blessedness, and in its eagerness, its yearning for those whom it loves to come to possess that Divine gift, it joins the Divine hosts that work and struggle for the salvation, the welfare, and the peace of their brothers. (170, 43 – 48)

333. Who has imagined the battles those legions of light sustain against the invasions of the disturbed beings that threaten you at every step? No human eye has ever detected that unceasing struggle they carry out against each other while you are unaware. (334, 77)

334. See here the continuation of My Work, My coming in the Third Era as the Spirit of Comfort, surrounded by My great armies of angels just as it was written.

335. Those spirit – followers of mine form part of that comfort that I have promised you, and you have already had proof of their charity and peace in their healthy advice and examples of virtue. Through them I have conceded benefits to you, and they have been intermediaries between you and My Spirit.

336. When you have perceived the grace and the gifts in which they are sheathed, as well as their humility, you have felt inspired to perform works as pure as those they have performed in your own life. When they have entered your home you have felt honored by their spiritual presence.

337. You are blessed if you have recognized their elevation, but the Master asks: “Do you believe that they were always virtuous beings? Do you not know that a great many of them have inhabited the earth and have known weaknesses and great failings?”

338. Yet, look at them now; they do not retain any stain whatsoever. It is because they heard the call of the conscience, awakened to love, repented of their earlier failings, and in that crucible have been purified and dignified to ascend to serve Me today by serving mankind.

339. Out of love, their spirits have assigned themselves the task of aiding their fellows, to repay all they failed to do while they inhabited the earth. And they have accepted as a Divine gift the opportunity to come to sow the seed they did not sow, and destroy any imperfect works they made.

340. That is why you now look with surprise on their humility, their patience, and their meekness, and it is why at times you have seen them suffer in restitution. Nevertheless, their love and recognition are greater than any obstacles they face. They conquer all, and are willing to go so far as to sacrifice themselves. (354, 14 – 15)

341. By chance do you sense the spiritual dwelling which you left to come to earth? “No Master,” you tell Me, “We do not remember or sense anything.”

342. Yes, people, it has been so long since you left purity and innocence that you cannot even imagine that existence of peace, that state of well – being.

343. But now that you are prepared to hear the voice of the conscience and receive its revelations, you have within your reach the road which leads to the Kingdom promised to those who elevate to Me.

344. It is not that paradise of peace from which the first parted, but the infinite world of the spirit, the world of wisdom, the paradise of true spiritual happiness, the heaven of love and perfection.

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