Exhortations and Warnings Part 1... Jesus Christ explains ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 61-1

2 years ago

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THE THIRD TESTAMENT Chapter 61 – Revelations of Jesus Christ
Exhortations and Warnings from The Lord

Mandates and Obligations
Thus saith the Lord…

1. Israel: Do not comply only with your obligations incurred in the world. Comply also with the Law, for before the Father you have undertaken a mission and its fulfillment should be strict, elevated and spiritual.

2. I am teaching you so that you will withdraw from materialism and cease to be fanatical and idolatrous; that you may not venerate or render worship to man – made idols. It is not My wish that within your heart there would exist roots of idolatry, fanaticism, false worship; do not present any offerings that will not reach Me, I only ask for your regeneration and your compliance within spirituality.

3. Transform yourselves from your past customs, do not look back or contemplate what you have left and should no longer practice; understand that you have penetrated the path of your evolution and you should not detain. The road is narrow and you must know it well, because tomorrow you will have to guide your brethren through it and I do not want you to get lost.

4. I am a patient Father who awaits your repentance and good will in order to fill you with My grace and My charity. (23, 60 – 63)

5. My word always advises righteousness and virtue, you must not spread malicious talk about your brethren, causing their disgrace. Do not regard with contempt those who suffer ailments that you call contagious; do not favor wars; do not have a disgraceful occupation which destroys morality and protects vices; do not curse anything that is created. Do not take what belongs to others without permission of its owner, or spread superstitions.

6. Visit the sick; forgive those who offend you; protect virtue; give good examples and you will be loving Me and loving your brethren, because My entire Law is based on those two precepts.

7. Learn My lesson and teach it by practicing it. If you do not learn, how do you expect to preach My Doctrine? And if you do not feel what you have learned, how do you expect to teach like a good apostle? (6, 25 – 26)

8. People, if you want to progress, leave aside the laziness in you; if you wish to be great, apply My maxims to your works; if you wish to know yourselves, analyze yourselves through My word.

9. Understand that you need My word, which pours forth love, wisdom, counsel, and assistance, but feel responsible, at the same time, for what I give you; for you are not the only needy ones in the world, there are many who have hungered and thirsted for these teachings, and you must think of preparing yourselves to go to them with the message of My love. (285, 50)

10. The responsibility toward humanity that this people has before it is very great; they shall have to give an example of true spirituality, teach the way to offer up the inner worship that is the pleasing offering, the worthy homage, to God.

11. Open your hearts and hear the voice of the conscience so that you may judge your actions and you may know that you are indeed faithfully interpreting My teachings, or if you too are mistaking the meaning of My Doctrine. (280, 73)

12. My Doctrine loses all meaning if you do not practice it.

13. You know well, beloved disciples, that the purpose of My law and Doctrine is the practice of good, and that therefore who bears it only in his memory or on his lips, without applying it to his actions, is lying. (269, 45)

14. You men who bear the light of experience of this life in your heart and spirit and the light left by the evolution in different existences: Why do you busy your spirits in that which is superfluous to it? And why do you so often cry over things that do not justify your pain? Seek the truth in all things; it is on every path, as diaphanous and clear as the light of day. (121, 48 – 49)

15. Do not forget and keep always in mind, the awakening of faith in your brothers depends on your righteous and virtuous life. This means that they will scrutinize and observe even the intimate parts of your life, seeking in your works a confirmation of the Doctrine you preach (300, 57)

16. Tell Me: Have I ever rejected you for your faults? Have I left you behind, abandoned, when some obstacle has delayed you? Have I been cruel when, overcome by pain, you have fallen?

17. Yet I see those who I so lovingly call My disciples abandon their brothers who have fallen into misfortune and ignore those who make an error; and instead of bringing those in with charity to help them to reform themselves, at times they make themselves judges, taking up cases that do not correspond to them to judge.

18. Is that My teaching? I can hear your consciences saying, “No.” And yet I wish you to judge yourselves in detail, so that you may smooth the burrs that your feelings suffer from, and begin to be My disciples. (268, 46)

Faith, Hope, Love, Humility, and Trust

19. When you are humble, you will be great. Greatness does not lie in pride and vanity as many believe. I have told you throughout the times to be meek and humble of heart.

20. Acknowledge Me as your Father and love Me. Do not seek a throne for your material body or a name to distinguish you from the rest. Do not seek to be different from others and always practice good will. (47, 54)

21. I want to see in you the faith that the sick people showed during the Second Era, when they appeared before Me: that of the paralytic, the blind and the incurable woman. I want to feel loved as the Father, to be solicited as a Doctor and to be listened to as the Master. (6, 46)

22. Do not weaken in faith or hope, keep always in mind that the end of this journey will come. Do not forget that in Me you had your beginning, and in Me too shall be your end; and that end is eternity, for there is no death of the spirit.

23. Keep eternity as your ideal, and do not weaken before the difficulties. Do you even know if this is your last incarnation on earth? Who can tell you if that body you now have is paying back all of your debts with My justice? That is why I tell you, make use of your time here, but do not hurry. If you accept your sufferings and with patience drain the cup, I can tell you truly that your merits will not be sterile.

24. Keep your spirit always moving forward so that you never cease to perfect yourselves. (95, 4 – 6)

25. Live for the Father who loves his children, who are your brothers, and you will reach immortality. If you fall into selfishness, and wrap yourselves in self – love, with difficulty shall your seed and your memory last.

26. Be meek and humble of heart, and you will be always full of My grace. (256, 72 – 73)

27. Great is your destiny! Yet do not be thereby dominated by sad presentiments, but fill yourselves with hope and courage thinking that the days of bitterness that approach are necessary for the awakening and the purification of men, without which you can never see the triumphal entry of the time of spirituality.

28. Learn to impose yourself over adversities, do not allow sorrow to take hold of your heart, and be careful of your health. Raise the morale of your brothers by speaking of Me and teaching them My Doctrine, which ignites faith and hope.

29. Look at the way many men walk with their heads bowed, they are spirits who have allowed themselves to be defeated in the contest; see them prematurely aged and gray, their faces wilted and with a melancholy expression, and if those who should be strong weaken, youth must wither, and childhood will look sadly at their surroundings.

30. You, people, do not deprive your hearts of all those healthy but fleeting pleasures, you may enjoy them, eat your humble bread in peace, and I promise you will find it sweeter and more substantial.

31. Deduce from My words that what I want of you is trust, faith, optimism, calm, and steadfastness, and that in spite of your labors and penalties there is no bitterness in your hearts. What sweetness or happiness can you offer to the needy if you had the heart occupied by sorrow, worry, or dissent?

32. It is precisely in your trials that you must give the highest examples of elevation, faith, and humility.

33. He who can give that spirituality to his life will never cease to feel peace, and even his dreams will be peaceful and refreshing, for his spirit will use his sleep to detach itself towards the beyond to receive those Divine emanations from which it is nourished and in which the body also participates. (292, 45 – 51)

Prayer, Study, Alertness, Renovation, and Spirituality

34. Beloved disciples, once again I tell you: Be vigilant and pray, for the material is fragile, and in its weaknesses it can detour the spirit from the straight path.

35. The spirit that knows how to keep watch never leaves the road marked out for him by his Lord, and is able to employ his inheritance and his gifts until He achieves elevation.

36. He will move ahead in the trials, because He lives alert and never lets himself be dominated by the material. He who is vigilant and prays always emerges triumphant from the difficult times, and knows how to walk with firm steps on the path of life.

37. How different is the conduct of He who forgets to keep vigil and pray! He voluntarily renounces to defend himself with the best weapons I have placed in man, which are faith, love, and the light of knowledge. It is He who does not hear the inner voice that speaks to him through intuition, his conscience, or in dreams. The heart and the mind do not understand this type of language, and do not believe the message sent by their own spirit. (278, 1 – 3)

38. Pray for the troubled spirits, for those become materialists, for those in the bowels of the earth who have not yet managed to separate themselves from their bodies; and for those who suffer and weep because of the ignorant mourning on earth that follows them.

39. Pardon and cease judging too those who have sown ills in your heart; if your eyes could behold them on their knees begging your forgiveness you would not be so unjust to them. Help them to fly toward the infinite, raise them up with your charity, understand that they no longer belong to this world. (107, 15)

40. Do not be satisfied with your first works, believing that you have earned sufficient merit for the perfection of your spirit, but dedicate a time each day to the study of My Work, so that you may learn new lessons and discover greater revelations daily.

41. The studious disciple will always hear the answer to his questions and will always hear My Fatherly counsel in the instants of testing.

42. The diligent disciple will be a source of love for his brothers, He will feel truly rewarded by his Father, and will recognize the moment to rise up and carry out his great spiritual mission among men. (280, 40 – 42)

43. As you perfect yourselves you will see the goal to be closer, though you will not know if you are one step from your salvation or if you still have far to go on the road. I tell you only that you must allow yourselves to be guided submissively and obediently by this word, which is the voice of My Divine Spirit.

44. Absolve yourselves of breaking the Law, of falling repeatedly into the same error. Heed this call, which is an invitation to reform, a plea that your Father makes to you, for I do not wish to see you live uselessly on earth and cry afterward for your disobedience. (322, 60)

45. Do not fear the murmurs of humanity or their judgments; fear the justice of your God. Remember that I have told you that as a judge I am inexorable. Seek me out therefore always as Father, as God, so that you lack nothing on your path. (344, 31)

46. Do not allow yourselves to be surprised, My people, live always alert and be faithful sentinels. Do not fear the words spoken to you by your own brothers to convince you that you are wrong.

47. Keep firm, for great will be the honors I give to the soldiers faithful to My cause, those of you, who know how to face these difficult times of confusion of ideas, creeds, and religions.

48. Respect all your brothers in the same way that you respect My Work, and demonstrate the teaching that I have come again to show you. If men mock you, let them; the light of My Holy Spirit will come to them and repentance will be in their hearts. (336, 18)

49. Do not halt in your steps, oh disciples, but let them be always firm on the path of good and progress as I have always told you, for times are coming in which only the good can open a breach for mankind, and in which only virtue and truth can maintain them on the path of struggle and combat.

50. The days are near when imposture must fall, in which falsehood, hypocrisy, selfishness, and all the bad seeds will find their end through great trials, obstacles, and reverses.

51. That is why the Master tells you: Pledge yourselves more and more to the good. Be convinced, My people, that you can receive no evil for the good you do. If for the good you do on the earth you gather poor fruits or repayment, that result is temporary, not the final one. In truth, I tell you that you must persevere until the harvest. (332, 31)

Warnings to the Communities of the Revelation
(…as well as for all readers and successors – Theo)

52. Unfortunate is He who interprets My word according to his will, for He will answer to Me because of it.

53. On earth many men have dedicated themselves to altering the truth, without realizing the responsibility that they have as collaborators in the Work of love of the Father.

54. During this period of judgment which many ignore, because they have been unable to interpret the events that they are living, justice is found in each spirit taking into account its deeds within or outside the Law of love in the course of its pilgrimage in this world.

55. He who alters the essence of My revelations in these writings revealed through inspiration, will answer for his actions before Me.

56. Therefore, you must proceed with uprightness, for these lessons are My legacy of love for My children who, incarnated or in spirit, are awaiting greater teachings. (20, 12 – 14)

57. I do not wish to see lies in you, oh Israel, for one day they will be uncovered, and then the world will say: “Are these the disciples of the Master? If the disciples are false, so too was the Master who instructed them by giving them lies. (344, 10)

58. You are the ones entrusted with alleviating the pain of humanity and teaching prayer to the blasphemers who have passed much time without elevating their spirits in prayer.

59. For this, however, you must spiritualize yourselves, putting materialism away from you each day.

60. I do not wish you to be exaggerated spiritualists, No. Fanaticism is abominable to Me, and that is why I have come to remove it from your midst. The conscience will tell you how you must live in harmony with all. (344, 17 – 18)

61. Hear Me, people; listen, disciples; I am giving you the light and I am freeing you of the chains, the ties, and the darkness. But I am not empowering you so that you can make of this Work just another religion, nor so that you can fill it with forms and rites according to your convenience. No!

62. Distinguish well what is the liberty I have come to give you, so that you do not exchange it for a new fanaticism.

63. Have you not realized yet that your minds, and with them your spirits, have been stalled in their development? Do you not remember the mound of false fears and prejudices inherited from your antecessors from which I have freed you so that you may look the truth in the face and receive the light? (297, 20 – 21)

64. The soil will be watered and open in waiting for the seed of My sowers. Would it be just for this people to arrive with a new idolatry after humanity has been freed of fanaticism and materialist adoration? No My beloved disciples and students, that is why the lessons and trials are found on your path at every step.

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