i just pity the AI, it relies on "humans"

1 year ago

update file mgmt...is the AI updating my personal information
television took out america not "the left"
visuals lure you in w/ pretty colours
what if we just go back to B&W
we protest in unconventional ways, that's the only way damnit
not having a smartphone ain't about the technology itself
they're still gonna do that regardless of what's in my hand
fuck you, hypocrite
could robots handle restaurant work
what if machines catch our psychological problems
i just choked on cold brew
what if the AI realizes that it doesn't have a purpose
thank God i am unconventional
you can definitely limit what you don't wanna do
everybody could try a little harder to live an ag kinda life
"crazy" is preferable
"they" are a buncha dunderheads

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