1 year ago

This video outlines the major FBI misconduct and criminal activity going back to its inception. It also describes how the FBI destroyed the lives of two men they assumed were terrorists. This incredible story is told in a 100% free downloadable book titled They Left No Crime Uncommitted.

Click to download the book and a petition to the Supreme Court: https://www.humancattle.com/corrupt-j...

📌 Social Security is not going broke, and the National Debt is a scam. I know because I once had power of attorney over trillions of dollars the deep state is hiding from Americans. https://www.humancattle.com/deep-web

📌 A free copy of the government's admitted plan to surrender our sovereignty and nuclear weapons to the United Nations is downloadable here: https://www.humancattle.com/free-download

📌 Help me expose the 100% crooked “justice system” that destroyed my life and others: https://www.humancattle.com/associate-publisher

📌 Survive the coming economic meltdown by starting your own business the easy way: https://www.gorillajoemktg.com.

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