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I Never Knew Your Name

2 years ago

One night about dusk, while driving home, our creator spoke to me as he has many times before. I was asked what I thought about the church. I thought for awhile and I answered that I thought the church wasn’t what it started out to be. I said it was designed for all like-minded thinkers and believers to congregate, encourage each other and draw closer to Him and his Son but it has turned into a place of dissention. The church, in the Bible as stated, is “two or more gathered in My name”. In other words, the people, not the religion or building, make up the church. He then said He considered many of our government officials to be atheists and He never knew their names. They had relied on the church or religion to carry them through instead of a personal relationship with Him and his Son. He said He was tired of all their LIES and He was going to give them one more chance and draw the line. I personally was taken aback by those statements….. It was quiet for a while and the conversation continued; He said that the family unit was the stronghold and cornerstone that He promoted and stood by and it was being torn apart by lies, atheists and pure evil. As this conversation went along, I realized I was being prepped to speak for Him and I was honored to be talking to our creator. He spoke at the end and said his Son was the only way to be saved and without a personal relationship with Himself and his Son, and stopping all the lies, YOU WON’T BE SAVED, period!! I came home and told my wife of the revelation and she listened, as I’ve had other conversations with Him that I turned into music but not as explicit as this!! I sat down and wrote this song and I believe it explains it all pretty well. As I said earlier, I feel honored to have these personal conversations and I believe it is my time to give back with one of the many gifts I have been given, music, because I believe our time here is short. Take from this song what you want and why he picked me to speak for Him, I don’t know but I will try my best to live up to the honor that has been bestowed upon me… I’m only the messenger……..Thank you all for listening and watching…
Ronnie Dean

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