Ayahuasca vs. Political Identity (belief system = BS)

1 year ago

As an ayahuasca facilitator, I see a lot of remarkable things; beautiful transformations that occur nearly instantaneously, healing, and profound psychological rewirings.
I also see a lot of darkness.
A lot.
Aside form occasional confessions of very bad behaviour and horrific tales of abuse, the most common shadowy manifestaion is identity crisis. Rebirth implies death, and both of these imply change. A radical and sudden departure from dearly held beliefs (I'm being polite; indoctrination stemming from cultural and political conditioning is more accurate) and views is often catastrophic for the ego. For some people, this aspect of the experience is a welcome relief, but for many it is terryifying and confusing.

Tonight's Lightstream will deal with the aforementioned devil. I will draw upon my experience's and observations form The Edge in an attempt to distill what is valuable to all of us in our everyday lives. From these exetreme example's we can find our own issues and tendencies reflected in an exetreme fashion, making the lessons and insights easier to ascertain.

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#ayahuasca #ayahuascaretreat #ayahuascaceremony #plantmedicine #psychedelics #healing #psychedelicmedicine #retreatcenter #rainforest #ecuador #amazonrainforest #politics #identity #egodeath #psilocybin

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